First they came for the statues; then they came for the stained glass windows. Let me explain. The statue remains upright, so far. Civil War generals, slave owners, just about anyone who is not deemed politically correct by the standards of 2017. Perhaps not since the era of Oliver Cromwell, when Puritans smashed and burned any work of … But these people paid for a tour, and as citizens of this country, they have the freedom to choose what they want to see and to bypass some galleries. I have just played the video below to my woke Islington based daughter Olaf and she laughed loudly. In the Soviet Union, the whitewashing of history finally ended when the evil of communism was toppled, along with statues of Lenin and Stalin. Rodney A. Clifton is a professor emeritus at the University of Manitoba and a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Of course, reasonable people can make a powerful argument that statues of Confederate soldiers have no place in America. Yes, the fashion (at least among undergraduates) for trashing commemorative … One woman had what were described as the “perfect” dress pants; several women went to the same store to buy the same pants. These men fought to defend the odious practice of slavery. Those of Lenin’s and Stalin’s came down like ninepins all over Eastern Europe following the collapse of communism. These two descriptions left me scratching my head. Only the black employee was singled out for ‘violating the dress code.’”. It’s not about the Confederacy. Think again. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Students Should Learn about World Religions. First they came for the statues. There is an ongoing and very uncivil war against Confederate statues. Then they came for schools named after Jefferson and Washington. At minimum, these administrators deserve to be given the opportunity to defend themselves. One woman was singled out for breaking the dress code and was not permitted to wear her beaded lanyard (the museum issues a standard blue lanyard). First they came for the statues; then they came for the stained glass windows. When she lent the beaded lanyard to a white colleague to wear, the white colleague was permitted to do so.”, “A black employee was repeatedly and progressively disciplined for wearing the same dress pants as a number of white women she worked with. It is time to stop the perversion of justice at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. First They Came For the Statues. By: Staff August 17, 2017. The museum is a unionized workplace, so these procedures are, of course, enshrined in the collective agreement. Filed Under: Contributors, Political Opinion. First They Came For the Statues By Bill O'Reilly August 17, 2017 18 Comments As you know, a statue was destroyed this week in Durham, North Carolina. The impoverished and crime-ridden city of New Orleans recently spent more than $2-million to take down four monuments. If you thought it was a bit reckless for anti-racist rioters to tear down Confederate statues, you won’t believe this. That was easy because the statues represented dead white men. They came for the Jefferson and Washington Monuments in the nation’s capital and all statues of Washington and Jefferson, for they caused deep offense. First they came for the Confederacy. Then there’s Brown, another elite Ivy League institution. (Snip)Oddly, though, there is one British eugenicist whose name is … So while we don’t give financial advice, it may not be a bad idea to buy stock in companies that specialize in sandblasting, demolition, and engraving. Princeton has its own issues, but not with a slave owner. Commentary, Culture Wars, Rodney CliftonOctober 4, 2020. Obviously, museum visitors also have the right to discuss things they see even if the employees don’t like what they say. Last year university president Peter Salovey vowed that Yale’s Calhoun College would keep its name, even though John C. Calhoun, Yale class of 1804, was a powerful defender of slavery. Then they came after streets and towns named after Jefferson and Washington. Whether destroying statues of Robert E. Lee or Abraham Lincoln - those who try to erase the past are eerily reminiscent … That was easy because the statues represented dead white men. The statue remains upright, so far. Slaveholders appear to be next in line, and in that regard Yale University is especially instructive. Are you a premium member? Who decided to bypass these procedures and replace them with an independent evaluator? Melanie Phillips has written an excoriating analysis of the current crises. They seem destined to be growth industries for decades to come. The report documents a number of allegations of systemic racism and discrimination without providing solid evidence to prove the charges, such as in the form of personal statements and direct quotes from identifiable people. First They Came by lewwaters Amazing how those who applauded and gave approval of Confederate statues and Memorials being torn down are now alarmed seeing all other … Just a few months later, Salovey caved to pressure and announced that Calhoun’s name would be sandblasted off any buildings. First, They Came For The Confederates. Print. After the schools and towns and buildings and statues, there will surely be something else to tear down. ... there is great support for the replacement because Ride’s would be the first statue of a gay or lesbian in the U. S. Capitol hall. 2020 is the … The university recently removed his photograph from a dining hall because it was deemed “unduly celebratory.”  It was also, you know, not in keeping with Princeton’s eternal desire to be “truly diverse and inclusive.”. “More than one BIPOC [black, Indigenous, or person of colour] employee reported differential enforcement of the dress code at the museum. Then they came for Confederate flags, because banning them … On the surface, it is difficult to believe that either senior administrators or front-line employees would consistently and blatantly violate the principles of human rights, the very principles upon which the museum was founded. That was easy because the statues represented dead white men. Media nowhere to be seen. Local communities should be allowed to erect or remove whatever statues, monuments, and street names they like. Iconoclasm is undiscriminating: Look at mobs which gather to smash monuments. Back up north, some Philadelphia politicians and protestors are now demanding that a statue of former Mayor Frank Rizzo be removed from center city. Re: First they came for the statues... Olympia173 wrote: For what its worth, I think removing confederate monuments is absurd, as I believe they represent a part of our history very much worth remembering. by Dominic Lawson, Mailonline: First they came for the statues; then they came for the stained glass windows. ... Id have no problem with the communist hordes and their nigger pets taking down the churchill and roosevelt statues …they were two of the filthiest human beings that ever breathed.. Of course…they wont touch those statues. All Rights Reserved. Trip to Vietnam Reconfirmed my Hatred of Communism, The Most Important Question About the 2020 Election. Former school president Woodrow Wilson, who later moved to the White House and was a liberal hero, held some truly retrograde views of blacks. There has to be a series of whose next for the analogy to work and unless there are statues … Copyright ©2021 Medium Cool Communications, LLC. And in one particular case, the targeted memorial is barely 30 years old. 9 Jun 2020 535. It is obvious that the review team did not interview the union officials or all of the administrators before writing the report. If statues of Robert E. Lee have to come down, why in the world does Washington and Lee University get to keep its name? It’s not about slavery. … But today they had better luck in East London with a statue of Robert Milligan, another slave trader, which was torn down from its plinth on the orders of the Canal and River Trust — supposedly in response to public demand. First they came for the statues; then they came for the stained glass windows. Getty Images. Surely the lawyer-led review team understands that this is necessary for justice. To prove the claims, however, much better research and a much more comprehensive and objective report needs to be written. Of course removing statues is nothing new. First they came for the statues; then they came for the stained glass windows. First it was the Confederate statues, now they're coming for statues of the FF. But no one should ever believe this will end with a few dozen statues. But did the union, the Public Service Alliance of Canada? First the radicals came for the statues, and some have already been taken down. People on the left, by nature and by definition, are always seeking new ways to be offended, new ways to destroy traditional America. Now we are the ones doing the toppling. (There was a petition with a fairly modest 3,000 signatures). The report documents a number of allegations of systemic racism and discrimination without providing solid evidence to prove the charges, such as in the form of personal statements and direct quotes from identifiable people. Even though the report is weak because of what is missing, many news agencies have accepted its conclusion without question. Comment. Their images vanished from photographs, their names were eliminated from history books. And you’ll get other great opinion pieces too! Then they came for the comedy. Delingpole: First They Came for the Statues. And the Soviets themselves had a tendency to change what has happened if inconvenient; airbrushing disgraced officials from photographs. Yes, the fashion (at least among undergraduates) for trashing commemorative edifices is … Yes, the fashion (at least among undergraduates) for trashing commemorative edifices is developing new forms. While Brown, Princeton, and Yale are in the North, hundreds of schools in the South are named for slave-holders and Confederate officers. > Ok, the people have been agitating against the slave-owning FF for a long time, long before this recent Confederate statue organizing. As you know, a statue was destroyed this week in Durham … You don’t think there are lots of aggrieved people who want the entire university renamed? 4:45. This is all reminiscent of the Soviet Union or China’s Cultural Revolution, where out-of-favor officials simply got whitewashed. The monument of a soldier was not dedicated to anyone in particular, but symbolized young men who fought for the Confederacy. In other words, these people are about as far left as you can go without falling off the edge of the earth. How far will it go, when will it end? We know the board of trustees agreed. They may be monuments to fallen soldiers who died defending causes that are no longer fashionable. Slaveowners looking down on us! First They Came for the Confederates. It is strange, indeed, that the museum’s board of trustees has been complicit. It’s not about anything other Bolshevism. It Will Be People Next… By James Delingpole. The left is on the warpath against anything it considers distasteful in America’s past. Nothing is going to happen to them. Email. But why stop with John C. Calhoun? His most recent book, edited with Mark DeWolf, is From Truth Comes Reconciliation: An Assessment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report (Winnipeg, MB, Frontier Centre for Public Policy, 2020). re: First they came for the statues, then they came for the interstates Posted by East Coast Band on 7/29/20 at 11:55 am to StringedInstruments Would totally ruin the lyrics of … The assault on fair treatment has been led by the board of trustees and its hired external review team in a report on possible. And, most importantly for taxpayers, did the government of Canada agree? Then they came for the police. It is about the cowardice of German intellectuals and certain clergy—including, by his own admission, Niemöller himself—following the Nazis' rise to power and subsequent incremental purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Other cities and towns across the South are making plans to move or demolish dozens of other statues, and Baltimore trashed four monuments in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. James Delingpole. "First they came ..." is the poetic form of a post-war confessional prose by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984). It is time for Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault to appoint a blue-ribbon panel to investigate the museum from top to bottom. Rather, the evidence consists of summaries and paraphrasing based on the understanding of the report’s author—a lawyer who led the four-person team that reviewed the allegations coming from some 29 unnamed past and present employees and “several” unnamed current and former volunteers. Media Bias | Political Opinion | Conservative News, By Bill O'Reilly August 17, 2017 Leave a Comment. Did the senior administrators? All people, including the administrators at the CMHR, deserve to be assumed innocent until their guilt has been proven. The monument of a … That depends on how emboldened the protesters feel and when public officials will finally draw a line. First, they came for the Confederacy. First, they came for the statues. If the citizens of Seattle wants to allow a statue of Vladimir Lenin in their community (and they do ), a monument to a cold-blooded murderer and … Even so, visitors may say things or behave in ways that are offensive to some museum guides, such as in one example given in the report where a visitor asked for an Indigenous program interpreter’s name “so that she could ‘pray’ for her.”, The report also documented some seven occasions in 2015 and 2017 when LGBTQ content was omitted on school tours, apparently resulting from an initial incident in 2015 “when a teacher from a school in a religiously conservative community expressed they were afraid of losing their employment when they discovered that LGBTQ content would be visible on the school tour.”. at the CMHR (viz., the Museum of Human Grievances). The conclusions of the investigation were to be published at the end of the second phase, but an important conclusion is stated in this preliminary volume: that “racism within the Canadian Museum for Human Rights is pervasive and systemic.”. Sign up for FREE alerts and you’ll know when Bernie posts a new column. Yes, the fashion (at least among undergraduates) for trashing commemorative edifices is developing new forms. Before the long march through other institutions becomes unstoppable, Canadians need to stand together and say, “No More!” The principles of fair treatment need to be observed, especially in publicly funded institutions like the CMHR. The report is titled “Rebuilding the Foundation: External review into systemic racism and oppression at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.” It is the result of phase one of a planned two-phase review designed to determine if some of the museum’s administrators are racist and treated some employees unfairly based on their colour and/or sexual orientation. Will it, too, be knocked down? President Trump is refusing to rename U.S. military bases named after Confederate military officers, reviving an issue that he has warned will only lead to more toppled statues … Archive. It Will Be People Next…. Sure, that’ll take a while, but left-wing protesters seem to have little on their hands but time and anger. In one instance, several Indigenous employees had each been given lanyards that had been specially beaded for them and carried traditional knowledge in the pattern. As you know, a statue was destroyed this week in Durham, North Carolina. But today they had better luck in East London with a statue of Robert Milligan, another slave trader, which was torn down from its plinth on the orders of the Canal and River Trust — supposedly in response to public demand. Perhaps it is not surprising that much of the evidence in the report seems to be trivial—so trivial, in fact, that the complaints could have been easily solved at the early stages of the grievance process. Nowhere does the report explain why the normal grievance procedures were bypassed. A statue of Jesus at Sacred Heart church in Calgary was defaced; Vandals spray-painted the entrance to St. Joseph’s church in New Haven, Connecticut; It’s not about fascism. Ergo, his statue must go, his memory must be expunged. Elihu Yale himself was a slave trader whose actions were arguably worse. Yes, the fashion (at least among undergraduates) for trashing commemorative edifices is developing new forms. When the left is finished with Robert E. Lee, they might begin tearing down all the monuments dedicated to slave-owners George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. The assault on fair treatment has been led by the board of trustees and its hired external review team in a report on possible racism at the CMHR (viz., the Museum of Human Grievances). First the radicals came for the statues, and some have already been taken down. This is the Sir Ronald Fisher memorial, a stained […] Perhaps not since the era of Oliver Cromwell … Now the radicals are coming for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR). Only when these issues are addressed—issues that the popular press has missed—would it be possible to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the museum’s administrators were engaged in racist behaviour toward front-line employees. First They Came for the Statues. Salovey exemplifies the “courage” many college administrators are displaying these days. “ TAKING A KNEE” TO THE DESTROYERS OF WORLDS. Georgia not Seattle: Armed n*ggas out in the streets calling for genocide. The viciousness and triumphant celebrations… Even if some of the complaints levelled against the CMHR are trivial, they may be valid. If not, you are missing out on exclusive weekly columns, audio commentaries, and Q&As from Bernie Goldberg! Rizzo was a popular Democrat, but he was not exactly a racially sensitive guy. The mob’s anger is the same. If someone shows up to … Now, Rioters Are Tearing Down These Statues Out Of Sheer Historical Ignorance (Liberty Bell) – Folks, history is so important. Now the radicals … re: First they came for the statues, then they came for the interstates Posted by Supermoto Tiger on 7/29/20 at 12:28 pm to StringedInstruments quote: “Because when you look at how these things have developed in their totality, they’re absolutely racist.” First the radicals came for the statues, and some have already been taken down. (There was a petition with a fairly modest 3,000 signatures) It was founded by a slave holder who built the school with money donated by the slave-trading Brown family of Rhode Island. The movement was already well under way before last weekend, but what happened in Charlottesville is an accelerant to the flames. It was pulled down and then stomped on by a crew of radical leftists, identified by the local paper as members of the Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America, and the ubiquitous antifa gang. General Lee became the school’s president soon after he surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Court House. These monuments may be the statues of deposed dictators who terrorized populations, causing untold death and suffering. First they came for the Confederate monuments, because they represented those who fought to maintain slavery. Bradford Hanson 2020-06-18. 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