If anything is still unclear, or if you didn’t find what you were looking for here, leave a comment and we’ll see if we can help. Contributors: Chris Berry, Karl Stolley Last Edited: 2013-01-07 12:05:23 A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. 3. To fix the mistake of a dangling modifier, it will take more than simply rearranging the words in a sentence. Dangling Modifier Examples. It was the lobster. The problem with this sentence is that Macbeth’s scruples are not tempted by the prophecy; Macbeth is tempted. Misplaced modifiers modify the After having finished dessert, it was time for the young couple to go home. Correct. Often this error is a result of a main clause written in the passive voice. A Cambridge CELTA English teacher and author with a passion for writing and all forms of publishing. You can cognize the dangling modifier in this sentence because it is ambiguous. While dangling modifiers often result in sentences that cause a giggle, they also muddle a person’s writing and make the writer’s meaning unclear. Now the modifier while sitting on … We see dangling and misplaced modifiers quite a lot in novels. A dangling modifier can be fixed in a number of ways. It is unclear who was watching the snake. Struggling with his injury, the home run couldn’t be hit. At the beginning of a sentence, phrases that start with a verb ending in -ing or -ed are often guilty of dangling: Topped with pepperoni and covered with extra cheese, the children devoured the pizza. He paid only to see the Eiffel Tower when he went to Paris. Incorrect. are reasonably easy to fix. It may also refer to a word that doesn’t appear in the entire sentence. We saw the first fix in Step 2. is placed next to). Verb Forms. While lying under a tree, a bee stung his left ear. When they are accidentally used in writing, unintentional comedic results can ensue. A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies (i.e. A misplaced modifier causes confusion about which words phrases or clauses are being modified. Now that you’re familiar with dangling modifiers and how to fix them, can you recall a sentence of your own (or someone else’s) that had one of these errors? Here is the original error without a logical target: With a sigh of pleasure, consumption of cucumber sandwiches commenced. It is not difficult to correct modifiers. A dangling modifier like this can be fixed either by rewriting the main clause in active voice, or by revising the introductory phrase. It makes the explanation so much clearer. With adjectives I was on my way to work and noticed a cream woman’s handbag in the gutter. Unlike misplaced modifiers, dangling modifiers can’t be fixed by simply placing them next to the word/words they modify. dangling modifier, fix the sentence by making the meaning logical and clear. "I was referred to a … Example 1. . I almost spent all of my money when I was on vacation. Incorrect. How to Fix Dangling Modifiers. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. 2. Please select your preference. 3. To fix this error, you will need to clearly state what the modifier refers to somewhere in the modified sentence or in the surrounding text. How to fix dangling modifiers While sitting on the porch, the rain began to fall. When a kid, my mother insisted on singing lessons. Incorrect. We walked through the park and botanical garden slowly to see everything. Incorrect. If you find a dangling modifier in your writing, here are a few ways you can fix it to restore the meaning of the sentence: Insert a new subject of the sentence. It should indicate that the subject nearly ran out of money. Fortunately, correcting them is a simple matter, and the result is writing that’s … We are here for you – also during the holiday season! January 17, 2020 Many dangling modifiers also result from the use of the passive voice. To fix a dangling modifier, you need to shift the subject to the beginning of the second clause. There are two simple ways to fix a dangling modifier. What is a Dangling modifier? The old teacher’s textbook was tattered from so much use. Incorrect. *. Incorrect: After separating the participants into groups, Group A was tested. Fix dangling modifiers in two ways: by adding a subject. Correct. No need to dwell on past mistakes, though. There are two main types of errors that occur that cause uncertainty about what a word or phrase is supposed to modify. Because John had injured his dominant hand, a car accident caused a traffic jam on the highway, Because we required more data for the study, questionnaires were collected from an additional 200 people, the darkness obscured the details of the room. Learn how your comment data is processed. Your email address will not be published. You can eliminate misplaced modifiers by placing an adjective or an adverb To fix a dangling modifier, you will need to make the meaning logical and clear. I was on my way to work and noticed a woman’s cream handbag in the gutter. Read more about dangling modifiers Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description. It’s, therefore, a grammatical error. To fix a dangling modifier, you need to shift the subject to the beginning of the second clause. An excellent article – many thanks. Related reading: What’s The Difference Between Participial Phrase And Gerund? by There are two simple ways to fix a dangling modifier. The best way to learn how to undangle a dangling modifier is to work through some examples: Tempted by the three witches' prophecy, Macbeth's moral scruples give way to his ambition. The easiest way is to look at a sentence and make sure that the modifying word or phrase is clearly describing the subject or object it should be describing. You can simply insert the subject back into the sentence. A modifier is How to Fix Dangling Modifiers or Misplaced Modifiers? Just Publishing Advice For Writers and Authors. Access our free guide and general essay outline today. Very often, the incorrect placement and use of modifiers will result in an incomplete comparison or even a split infinitive. Dangling modifier Cleaning the attic, we found an old trunk. One way to correct a dangling modifier is to add a noun phrase that the modifier can logically describe. Dangling modifier While sitting on the porch, we heard the rain begin to fall.? As a dyslexic I find it hard to gasp explanations no matter how good they are. Scrounging in the trash can, the wad of money in the brown paper bag went unseen. Incorrect. To fix a dangling modifier, you often have to add more words to the sentence. Correct: After separating the participants into groups, I tested Group A. In a correct sentence, the subject (or doer) that is modified should immediately follow the comma after the modifier. To prevent spam, all comments are moderated and will be published upon approval. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase (often a participle or participial phrase) that doesn't actually modify the word it's intended to modify. The problem with this sentence is that Macbeth’s scruples are not tempted by the prophecy; Macbeth is tempted. Learn how to spot and fix this problem! Strategy 1 Revise the word group that follows the dangling participial phrase. First of all, you have to create an understanding of the dangling and misplaced modifiers. The Dangling Modifier Recognize a dangling modifier when you find one. How to Avoid the Dangling Participle ‘A dangling modifier is a phrase (or clause) out of place, as a weed is a plant out of place, making a mess of the garden.’ (Treddinick, 2008, p. 201) This is one of the most commonly encountered errors in editing: the dangling modifier. Hope you found this article helpful. In clear, logical sentences, you will often find modifiers right next to—either in front of or Prepositional phrases and present participles usually need a subject or object to make sense. When you discover a misplaced or dangling modifier in a sentence, you will need to rearrange and/or revise the sentence parts to untangle the idea the sentence wants to express. The young man watched intently as the snake finally slithered away into the long grass. Correct. Dangling. It was the lobster. By writing in the active voice, you can avoid many dangling modifiers. Examples of dangling modifiers and how to fix them, from the experts at Scribendi. 1. The main problem with the dangling modifier is that the sentence subject doesn’t exist. A dangling modifier happens when you put a descriptive phrase next to a word that it doesn’t describe. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. An easy rule to follow is to place adjectives before the noun it is describing. It is unclear if it was the mother who wanted the kid to have singing lessons, or if it was the mother who wanted singing lessons when she was a kid. How to avoid dangling and misplaced modifiers. Because the subject of the main clause is missing, we don’t know who missed finding the money. But tattered doesn’t seem to logically refer to the teacher. For fixing dangling modifiers, a writer needs to do much more than rearrange a couple of words in a sentence. Revise the sentence to fix the dangling modifier. Having finished the assignment, Jill turned on the TV. While lying under a tree, a bee stung his left ear. In clear, logical sentences, you will often find modifiers right next to—either in front of or behind—the target words they logically describe. A dangling modifier occurs when the intended subject of the modifier is missing from the sentence, and instead another subject appears in its place. Your email address will not be published. For fixing dangling modifiers, a writer needs to do much more than rearrange a couple of words in a sentence. It can also change the meaning depending on the placement. Remember that most modifiers come as close to their targets as possible: Dangling modifiers often take the form of an introductory phrase that is connected to the wrong thing. In a nutshell, they refer to modifiers that are incorrectly used in a sentence. To fix a dangling modifier, you will need to add a target to the sentence and then tweak the remaining words to make sense. Dangling modifiers are easy to miss. Incorrect: Hungry, devoured the leftover cake. You may need to change/rewrite the sentence to clarify who’s completing the action. Another way to fix them is to rewrite the sentence to change two clauses into one clause. Fixing Dangling Modifiers. The plate was not expensive. Please click the checkbox on the left to verify that you are a not a bot. In this sentence, the intended target of the modifier, Jane, is missing. Rosie, do want to tell us what the definition of a modifier is? Dangling modifiers do not have a clear point of reference. Dangling Modifier: How to Fix a Dangling Modifier (with Helpful Examples) April 10, 2020 English Grammar No Comments When a phrase appears in a sentence and there is no surety of what it may be referring to, there are high chances of it being a dangling modifier. Sentences with modifying errors invariably sound awkward, absurd, or are confusing. This is about moving forward with the know-how you need to write and edit better than ever. The first step to figuring how to fix dangling modifiers is understanding what a modifier actually is. Fixing Misplaced Modifiers. I spent almost all of my money when I was on vacation. Correct. The teacher’s old textbook was tattered from so much use. Correct. However, it is not easy to use the modifiers in some of the compositions and you must learn some basic principles to avoid making grammatical mistakes in your speech and writing. How to undangle dangling modifiers. Cleaning the attic, an old trunk was found. Was the trunk cleaning the attic? Published on Remember that there can be more than one correct answer as there are different ways to fix dangling modifiers. Submit your comment only once, please. Incorrect. A dangling modifier in a sentence represents a missing subject whereas a misplaced modifier’s position is too far away from the clause, phrase or word it aims to clarify, modify or emphasize. You need to make some new addition to the sentence so that the modifier can accurately describe the targeted word/phrase. In the example above, there is no subject in the phrase that modifies the applause in either clause. In some cases, a dangling modifier refers to a word that doesn't even appear in the sentence. A dangling modifier, or “dangler,” consists of descriptive words or phrases that either have nothing to describe or describe the wrong term. Be careful with only as it can be an adjective or adverb. into the modifier itself, or by . Why not? A dangling modifier is a phrase that does not modify the word that is intended to be modified. In the corrected sentence, the dangling modifier is replaced with a complete clause that clearly states the subject who is doing the action. How to fix dangling modifiers While sitting on the porch, the rain began to fall. No. Another method to fix a dangling modifier is to revise the main clause rather than editing the introductory phrase, so the intended subject shows immediately after the comma in the main clause. The best way to learn how to undangle a dangling modifier is to work through some examples: Tempted by the three witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s moral scruples give way to his ambition. When a sentence does not clearly state the subject being modified, the introductory phrase becomes a dangling modifier. Dangling modifiers and misplaced modifiers represent the two most common modifier mistakes. Learn how to correct a dangling or misplaced modifier. Comment: [I, not Group A, separated the participants into groups.] But in a grammatical sense, it implies that certain words or a modifying phrase in a sentence are in the wrong place. Misplaced modifiers modify the wrong part of a sentence, leading to ambiguity or confusion. You need to add a word or words to make the meaning clear. In the corrected sentence, the subject, John, appears immediately after the modifier phrase. Another way to correct this grammatical error is to make the modifier part of a dependent clause. The following is an example of the most severe and obvious problem with a dangling modifier: sometimes the resulting sentence just doesn't make sense. The modifier needs to be moved next to the word it is modifying. It is unclear if the handbag belongs to a cream woman or if the handbag is cream. Modifiers provide help to add substance in your views and ideas. Doesn’t mean you won’t make this mistake ever again. If you are not sure about how to identify and fix misplaced or dangling modifiers, you should use an online grammar checker to help you correct your errors. The best way to learn how to undangle a dangling modifier is to work through some examples: Tempted by the three witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s moral scruples give way to his ambition. It is just plain funny. . Two notes about dangling modifiers: Unlike a misplaced modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a sentence. Free access. Fixed example: Tired from the workout, Jimmy felt good relaxing in front of the T.V. How to Fix Dangling Modifiers or Misplaced Modifiers? 15 Best Free Grammar Checker And Grammar Corrector Apps, You Can Use The Em Dash And Cheat At Your Punctuation, There Are Now Over 6 Million Kindle Ebooks On Amazon, What Is Metadata And Why It Is Important For Books, The Best Publishing Companies You Can Trust, New Authors Beware Of Scam Agents And Publishing Sharks, 20 Ways To Promote Your Book In Only 10 Minutes, Vanity Publishing And Self-Publishing Are Not The Same. Watching intently, the snake finally slithered away into the long grass. Incorrect. Typically, a dangling modifier comes in the form a phrase or clause at the beginning or end of a sentence. When my mother was a kid, she insisted on having singing lessons. Correct. To ease the topic, let us fix another sentence with a dangling modifier. To fix the dangling modifier, we need to figure out what the modifier is trying to modify and rewrite the sentence around that. A Dangling Modifier Is Simple To Fix If You Know How. Since the purpose of writing and speaking is to convey a clear message, anything that make this message unclear defeats the purpose. A modifier is a set of words that describes or modifies (get it?) April 24, 2020. - [Voiceover] Sure, so, well one major modifier that you think of is an adjective. All services are available, and your order will be returned on time. Fix a dangling modifier in an example sentence Skills Practiced. Correct: Hungry, the boys devoured the leftover cake. How to fix sentences that have dangling or misplaced modifiers. Dangling modifiers make it so that the subject and its verb or adjective do not “match.” This often leads to confusing and easily misinterpreted sentences. Fixing dangling modifiers. To fix the mistake of a dangling modifier, it will take more than simply rearranging the words in a sentence. Here follow several examples of dangling modifiers and how to fix them. This video will help the learners to know about what dangling modifier or misplaced modifier is, how to fix them & their correct usage in sentences. Dangling and misplaced modifiers are considered as one of the most common errors which we make in our language. So in this video we're gonna talk about something called a dangling modifier. My new girlfriend ordered an expensive plate of lobster at the restaurant last night. Incorrect. Read on to discover how to recognize and fix dangling and misplaced modifiers. Verbs Ending in -ing or -ed. Of all the grammatical terms, this one is my favorite. We walked slowly through the park and botanical garden to see everything. Correct. Try your hand at fixing these dangling modifiers! I was on my way to work and noticed a cream woman’s handbag in the gutter. Sometimes it works to flip the sentence around, though even then you may have to ad… The plate was not expensive. To fix this error, you will need to clearly state what the modifier refers to somewhere in the modified sentence or in the surrounding text. 2. The problem is usually due to separation. Dangling Modifier Exercise. Here’s another: “When writing, you can use modifiers to help you clarify your points.” Step 4. The Dangling Modifier Recognize a dangling modifier when you find one. This resource explains what a dangling modifier is and how to correct the problem. After having finished dessert, it was time to go home. Incorrect. Hoping to garner favor, my parents were sadly unimpressed with the gift. Free self-publishing advice, how to guides and tips. For sentences starting with a gerund, participle, or prepositional phrases, make sure you include a subject to avoid the possibility of perplexing your readers. How to undangle dangling modifiers The best way to learn how to undangle a dangling modifier is to work through some examples: X Tempted by the three witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s moral scruples give way to his ambition. Corrected. This problem is often caused when starting a sentence with a gerund or participle phrase. Because the sentences … Amy Luo. The best solution is to make sure that the right subject starts the main clause: 2. My new girlfriend ordered a plate of expensive lobster at the restaurant last night. Correct. Dangling modifiers are commonly (though not universally) regarded as grammatical errors. Want to test what you learned? I was on my way to work and noticed a woman’s cream handbag in the gutter. It depends if the textbook is old, or the teacher. Try both ways to see what works for your sentence; sometimes, both methods will work. However, what is called a dangling modifier or a dangling participle generally requires that the sentence is re-written to correct the grammatical error. To ease the topic, let us fix another sentence with a dangling modifier. A long or short prepositional phrase requires a subject. Dangling modifiers have no referent in the sentence. But it can usually be corrected quite easily by moving a single word or phrase to its correct position in the part of the sentence. Even better is that you have given what is right and what is wrong. Thanks for reading! It is also called a dangling participle, hanging modifier, floater, floating modifier, or misrelated participle. Our editing and proofreading services are active and fully functioning despite the current global pandemic. Let’s correct the above example of a dangling participle to show how you can correct dangling modifiers in your sentences. Scrounging in the trash can, the old hobo didn’t see the wad of money in the brown paper bag. Correct. Grammarly vs. Other Tools: Which One Will Win? This is an example of how dangling modifiers can result in nonsensical sentences. Dangling modifier While sitting on the porch, we heard the rain begin to? You can cognize the dangling modifier in this sentence because it is ambiguous. “After visiting the place it was filmed, the movie is sure to be great.” - 17350082 Here are some examples of sentences that contain modifiers: I need examples and that is what you have given. ? November 30, 2020 What is a Dangling Modifier and How to Fix It Because a car accident appears where the subject should be, the sentence now suggests that a car accident was driving to work. Incorrect. Incorrect. So, before we get in to what a dangling modifier is, we can sort of talk about just what a modifier is. In the case of the diaper, we need to find the baby whose bottom it should be on. Contributors: Chris Berry, Karl Stolley Last Edited: 2013-01-07 12:05:23. Here are some examples of dangling modifiers—and some ways to fix them. But once you know how to spot dangling modifiers, they are reasonably easy to fix. How to Fix Dangling Modifiers Writers should avoid constructing sentences with any type of misplaced modifier, and sentences with dangling modifiers should be restructured so that it is very clear which word or words the modifier describes. A dangling modifier can be fixed in a number of ways. For most verbs, the adverb should be directly after the verb it is modifying. Copyright © 2020 Just Publishing Advice - All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: This site generates income via advertising, paid links, affiliate links, sponsored articles and book promotion. How to Fix Dangling Modifiers in Your Writing If you find a dangling modifier in your writing, here are a few ways you can fix it to restore the meaning of the sentence: Insert a new subject of the sentence. Dangling modifies are rectified by adding noun phrases that can be logically described by that modifier or by making them part of the dependent clause. The best solution is to make sure that the right subject starts the main clause: Dangling Modifier: Disgusted by greasy cafeteria food, my lunch consisted of a salad and an apple. How to undangle dangling modifiers. When writers leave out the noun or noun phrase they intend to modify, the results can be confusing. Read more about dangling modifiers, and then test your ability with our quiz.Can you spot the It is unclear if the handbag belongs to a cream woman or if the handbag is cream. With a low level of enthusiasm or appreciation, the applause from the audience lasted for only a few seconds. Correct. Correct. This article describes misplaced modifiers and how to fix them, and also provides an insight into ambiguous modifiers and adverb placement. In the example below, the introductory phrase modifies Jane, the subject of the main clause. Now the modifier cleaning the attic logically and clearly modifies the subject we. Dangling Modifiers. the main part of the sentence. In the example above, the first sentence fails to clarify whose hand was injured – it does not state the subject of the introductory modifier phrase. A modifier is a word or a participial phrase that is intended to modify a noun or a verb. Here are a few types—and some ways to fix them . A modifying word or phrase “dangles” when it doesn’t apply to the word it’s supposed to modify. Take a look at these examples of accidental dangling modifiers: 1. A modifier describes or qualifies another part of a sentence. The modifier needs to be moved next to the word it is modifying. A modifying word or phrase “dangles” when it doesn’t apply to the word it’s supposed to modify. You need to make some new addition to the sentence so that the modifier can accurately describe the targeted word/phrase. There is no proper subject that it can modify. How to undangle dangling modifiers The best way to learn how to undangle a dangling modifier is to work through some examples: Tempted by the three witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s moral scruples give way to his ambition. 1. Another solution—often a clunky one—is to add some clarification to the opening phrase: This option is less than ideal and can turn the opening phrase into an unwieldy dependent clause. 1. Dangling modifiers do not have a clear point of reference. Here you need to check two things about it that cannot On the other hand, a ‘misplaced modifier’ is a modifier which has lost its correct position in the sentence. But once you know how to spot dangling modifiers, they are reasonably easy to fix. 1. Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description. To fix this, add a word, phrase, or clause for the modifier to modify (man, that was borderline a tongue twister). The main problem with the dangling modifier is that the sentence subject doesn’t exist. A modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about a concept. One method of fixing a dangling modifier is to leave the modifier as it is and rewrite the main clause so that it begins with the subject being modified. Dangling conjures up the vision of someone hanging from a tall building by a long rope tied around one ankle and swinging uneasily from side to side. How to undangle dangling modifiers. Read on to discover how to recognize and fix dangling and misplaced modifiers. A dangling modifier, on the other hand, is so out of context that merely moving it won’t fix anything. Using the passive voice also adds to the confusion. adding the logical subject immediately after the modifier. So there needs to be a subject in the clause. Because of their placement in a sentence, misplaced modifiers ambiguously or illogically modify a word. After completing the course, proofreading was easy. This resource explains what a dangling modifier is and how to correct the problem. To fix this, add a word, phrase, or clause for the modifier to modify (man, that was borderline a tongue twister). You are probably asking, what is a dangling modifier? Dangling modifiers are a pretty Rearranging sentence parts will often fix a misplaced modifier. Another method of fixing a dangling modifier is to include the subject in the introductory phrase, leaving the main clause as it is. Click here to read our disclosure statement in full. Misplaced modifiers are quick to fix, but dangling modifiers take a little more effort to correct. Check carefully, and don’t let your modifiers dangle or be misplaced. The third option is one that students often turn to, but it’s the one with the lowest odds of success. My new girlfriend ordered a plate of ex… When I was a kid, my mother insisted on my having singing lessons. Correct. In other words, to add a description to something or someone or an action. To fix a dangling modifier, you will need to make the meaning logical and clear. My new girlfriend ordered an expensive plate of lobster at the restaurant last night. Fixed example: Tired from the workout, Jimmy felt good relaxing in front of the T.V. When a modifier dangles at the start of the sentence and makes it illogical by disconnecting it with the second part of the sentence, it is known as ‘dangling modifier’. Writers should avoid constructing sentences with any type of misplaced modifier, and sentences with dangling modifiers should be restructured so that it is very clear which word or words the modifier describes. Dangling modifiers are a pretty common mistake that people make not just when writing, but also when they speak. These dangling modifiers is basically a phrase or sometime sit can also be a phrase which does not logically completes a sentence or it is related to the words that modify it. These dangling modifiers is basically a phrase or sometime sit can also be a phrase which does not logically completes a sentence or it is related to the words that modify it. My days are spent teaching English and writing, as well as testing and taming new technology. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience when you visit our website. I’m not dyslexic, like Lindsey, but I also appreciate examples. Almost is an adverb, so it should follow the verb to make sense. You can find sample answers below the image at the bottom of this post. Dangling modifiers can provide great material for jokes, but only when they are used intentionally. But once you know how to spot dangling modifiers, they are reasonably easy to fix. Get the drop on how you can identify, fix, and avoid dangling modifiers. 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Solution is to make the modifier can logically describe grass. correct snake finally slithered into... Clauses are being modified, the introductory phrase modifies Jane, is missing, we can sort of about! Ran out of money the textbook is old, or misrelated participle represent the two most common errors which make... Marked *, by using this form you agree with the storage and handling of data... An example sentence Skills Practiced a result of a dangling modifier in writing, unintentional comedic results ensue... As testing and taming new technology short prepositional phrase requires a subject by. Click here to read our disclosure statement in full young couple to go home. Incorrect sentence now suggests that car. To place adjectives before the noun it is unclear if the textbook is old, clauses! Often this error is a dangling modifier phrase next to the teacher ensure that give... And clear an adjective or adverb check carefully, and academic journals the,. Participial phrase and gerund and botanical garden to see the wad of money in the sentence! To change two clauses into one clause sure, so it should follow the comma after the needs! Also adds to the beginning or end of a sentence are in the.. Old teacher’s textbook was tattered from so much use. correct it would be like a... Beginning of the passive voice unclear defeats the purpose often take the form of an phrase. You think of is how to fix dangling modifiers example of a dependent clause Jane, the begin! So it should follow the comma after the modifier needs to do much more than one correct answer there. Modifier describes or modifies ( i.e that there can be fixed either by the. Simply rearranging the words in a sentence modify, the rain begin to mistake that people make just! No proper subject that it can modify and writing, but only when they are accidentally used writing... Substance in your sentences the active voice, you will need to shift the subject who is doing action... But it ’ s, therefore, a ‘ misplaced modifier the clause slithered away into the long correct... Both forms of publishing correct position in the form of an introductory phrase becomes dangling... With this sentence, leading to ambiguity or confusion 2020 by Amy Luo to rewrite the.! They speak the checkbox on the porch, the snake finally slithered away the. Turn to, but I also appreciate examples can, the home run ’... Describe the targeted word/phrase referred to a … are reasonably easy to fix dangling and misplaced modifiers correct. One major modifier that you are a pretty to fix, but also... Baby whose bottom it should indicate that the sentence parts will often a... Felt good relaxing in front of the modifier needs to do much more than correct.