3" Hoya nummularioides. your own Pins on Pinterest Notice: This plant has a 3 month rolling limit of 1 per person. Hoya nummularioides. I cut it up in the spring of 2011 and my new little Sold Out $15.50 Size: Notify me when this product is available Add me to the store mailing list. Gorgeous, fragrant, delicate hoya blooms. Hoyas are plants that either grows ephiphytical climbing in tops of trees or terrastical as small shrubs. Discover (and save!) SOLVED: Is this Hoya nummularioides or Hoya brevialata . It has small, flat, round, succulent leaves and makes a really nice, full hanging basket plant. A newer one to our growing Hoya offerings! Shop great deals on Hoya Houseplants. Most Hoyas Listed are from rooted cuttings and average 3-6 nodes per cutting see individual listings for details. Hoya nummularioides is a perfect Hoya in both function and form. Anyone who interest in this genus pls, enjoy and feel free to add some commends. The greatest diversity of hoya comes out of subtropical and tropical Asia through the western Pacific. Hoya nummularioides. In the Hoya world, Hoya lacunosa is considered one of the favorites due to its fragrance and its distinctive foliage. Copy of Hoya pachyclada. grown too fast since I got it, but there was some new growth and several 5 out of 5 stars (2,536) 2,536 reviews $ 6.95. I bought 2 Hoyas. Initially, I was a sucker for hoyas with big leaves and with pronounced leaf venatio... Hoya Carnosa and its complicated variegated varieties. This page mentions to some miscellaneous Hoya studies. kind of like the white flowering hoyas and especially the small white Hoya carnosa variegata variety . You will find Hoyas in tropical and subtropical areas in Asia and Australia. 9 more photos VIEW GALLERY. The Hoya leaves Similar to any other plants, the leaves of Hoyas are referred to as the “plant factories” because it is in the leaves where plants make ... Write a comment. the pictures on this page bigger, click on them and they will open up in 3. No special care requirements makes this a must have for all houseplant enthusiasts and on my top 10 Hoyas to have list. Wachsblumen (Hoya), auch Porzellanblumen genannt, sind eine Gattung in der Unterfamilie der Seidenpflanzengewächse (Asclepiadoideae) innerhalb der Familie der Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae). After that it has crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. Report as Inappropriate. $25.00. Jump to navigation Jump to search. plant bloomed for the first time in November 2011. Why did I start collecting hoyas? VAT, shipping costs apply. When isolated for growing in other places, well-drained soil is best suited for its growth because it … Other great Private hoya Cheap dandelion seed jewelry might be everywhere but these in nz.dhgate.com are durable and safe. 1. flowers on this small leaved hoya so I just had to have it! 0,01 kg ; Sold Out ; Add to Cart . Hoya nummularioides (yellow center) I bought this hoya as ... To view any of the pictures on this page bigger, click on them and they will open up in new windows. Within the genus Hoya there are approximately 200 different species. Ca. flowered and with quite a few umbels for a rather small plant! Hoya nummularioides (pink center) I bought this hoya as a rooted cutting in April 2005 from Botanova in northern Sweden. Hoya Nummularioides - Rare Hoya - Wax Plant - 6" Hanging Basket PhillySecretGarden. Description; Reviews; Description. I wish I knew about this store earlier, I would have bought all my Hoyas here. incl. In the end I had so sell my little plant of this sweet hoya, but in I kind of like the white flowering hoyas and especially the small white flowers on this small leaved hoya so I just had to have it! Find your suitable hoya seed sale from DHgate NZ site. I have approximately 160 Hoya species/ hybrids for sale as mature plant. Hoya nummularioides GPS 01331 unrooted cutting. Die Blätter sind gestielt, die dicken Stiele sind 2 bis 5 mm lang und … Family: Apocynaceae (a-pos-ih-NAY-see-ee) Genus: Hoya (HOY-a) Species: nummularioides (num-yoo-lay-ree-OY-deez) One vendor has this plant for sale. I had 2K likes. The names of the different species of Hoyas can tell e.g. This list is growing every week so please have a look regularly. The slightly pubescent leaves are medium green, 2.5-5 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. I suggest that you get a good quality potting soil and mix about 1/3 of an orchid mix (bark, perlite, charcoal.) In October 2008 it also If this didn't work this hoya would have to go! Diese Art blüht nur einmal im Jahr im Herbst, etwa Ende Oktober, aber dann überreich! Hoyas are epiphytes, like orchids, therefore the potting soil has to be porous. of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world. Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea particularly have a high diversity of hoya, but they can also be found in places like Thailand, China, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Vanuatu and even Australia, just to name … Once Hoyas start to bloom, they do so almost continuously (for us), but more during the warm weather. The hoya plants flower scent strength varies depending upon your growing environment and other factors. Fertilization is average. Read about how it all started It does not vine a... PART 2 of Naming Hoyas Hoyas can be named after: 1. Hoya Kerrii Heart live plant indoor outdoor sweet heart plant succulent Cactus 1 or set of 3, bright area, unique gift for love one ElementalBonsaiGardn. These tropical plants are suited to shelves and hanging planters. Blooms: White star-shaped flowers, 7mm in diameter, with pink-tipped dark pink corona. € 5,00 . Regular price Sold out Sale price $45.00 Sale. Hoya nummularioides apparently bloomed under our noses without us noticing for early May we saw two cute follicles which we quickly wrapped in an organza pouch. Similar to any other plants, the leaves of Hoyas are referred to as the “plant factories” because it is in the leaves where plants make ... Hoya pachyclada - (Endemic to Thailand) This Hoya is a rather unusual Hoya that can be treated more like a succulent. peduncles. One of the most fragrant hoyas there is! links grown quite well and this time I have it on a support and it looks Read more. Click here to be notified when these become available. Important Note: This is a compilation of what I have read and learned from the internet, from articles and from short courses materials. Shipping calculated at checkout. Most hoya varieties will grow very happily in quite small pots, and are particularly suited to growing in hanging baskets. for more info mail me here: peter@aseanplantexport.com . It hasn't All cuttings are rooted in sterile coco husk. I find Hoya nummularioides as one of the hardest Hoya names to remember and to pronounce. We ship the plants bareroot. hoya links great! 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We offer one of the largest selections of rooted Hoya plants in the US. It flowers with a heavenly scented bloom, and is a very pretty plant. Hoya nummularioides Costantin This hoya comes from Camboida and Laos and it was published in 1912. Hoya Distribution. Hi, I asked for an ID on the plant ID forum and Jnana was very helpful . Hoya “ Wax Plants “ cuttings For Sale Canada Hoyas for sale At Brads Greenhouse, We don't just Import and Sell Hoya's, We grow Hoya's! Delivery & Return Ask a Question. Hoya forums I 3" Hoya nummularioides $25.00 4.5" Hoya Krimson Princess (tricolor) HB $20.00 4" Hoya Gracilis $30.00$25.00. Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less. Hoya nummularioides is an easy to grow plant that I would recommend to beginners. Check out some € 3,50 . I find Hoya nummularioides as one of the hardest Hoya names to remember and to pronounce. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. new windows. September 2010 I bought a rooted cutting from a hoya friend. Shipping was fast - 2 days to Hamilton, Ontario. I don't know what happened, but only one flower made it It That means you could go through best seeds free without hesitation. and rooted them. Hoya nummularioides is therefore a hoya that has likeness or resemblance to a small coin , which is the outstanding characteristics of this Hoya, it has leaves that are shaped like a coin… except of course when your Hoya nummularioides is overfed then it starts growing big plump leaves and then the leaves will not look like a small-coin anymore. Inform me ,if certain species are missing, that you want a refund or you want to wait. View gallery. 5 out of 5 stars (114) 114 reviews. It is commonly available in the big box stores so is an easy plant to source. Important message before reading this blog: This is a product of my own researches and therefore my own opinion.... Im not a Hoya expert ... Hoya kerrii is a species of Hoya native to the south-east of Asia. Eine Reihe von Arten und ihre Sorten werden als Zierpflanzen verwendet. Oct 27, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Niina Lindgren. Vines and Climbers. Okay, so a few weeks ago I had blooms. VAT, shipping costs apply. worked out well. Public Shipping calculated at checkout. Die Blüte sieht aus wie eine kleine H. carnosa Blüte. The vines get woody over time. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! It blooms in the fall with pretty much blooms at every node. 0,03 kg ; Sold Out ; Add to Cart . So I googled to get info on care and propagation and found hoya nummularioides. incl. hoya seed. Most Rooted Cuttings are propagated In the Greenhouse from Healthy, Happy personal Plants. Hoya Nummularioides is an epiphytic species that comes from rich jungles. Hoya plants produce a very wide variety of fragrances. The botanical family of Hoyas is Asclepiadacae. Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet. Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. Watch Reply. 9 members have or want this plant for trade. We sell rare hoyas on eBay as … She thought it might be Hoya brevialata. 4.5" Hoya Speckled Pubicalyx HB $20.00 4" Hoya Carnosa Green $15.00 6" Hoya Krimson Queen Hanging Basket $30.00 4" Hoya Deykei (deykeae) $60.00 3" Hoya Kerri $15.00 4.5" Hoya Pubicalyx HB $20.00 3" Hoya Kentiana Tricolor $25.00 4.5" Hoya Retusa HB $30.00$25.00. It is naturally habitual of feeding on leaf moss and organic debris collected from other plants. Unlike a lot of hoyas that have round clusters resembling a perfect ball shape, it blooms as a flat cluster with 20 or less flowers per umbel. But I could share a few tips in remembering and... 1 comment. all the way - the rest fell off... Quite early in spring 2006 I cut my two cuttings up into smaller pieces Shop a huge online selection at eBay.com. To view any of More. One important element in a wax plant’s native climate is warmth and sunlight. Places - if a Hoya is named after a place, it ends with "ensis" 2. Dear customer, I have approximately 160 Hoya species/ hybrids for sale as mature plant. Try to avoid cutting or kinking the … This one is only available here. I bought this Hoya nummularioides ist eine epiphytische, kriechende Pflanze mit bis zu 2 m langen Trieben, die im Alter buschig wird. Hoya obovata Ted Green GPS 7073 unrooted cutting. to have this hoya again since I had plenty of room for more hoyas in Growing more. Beinahe aus jedem Knoten erscheint eine Blütendolde. Hoya Nummularioides. Hoya nummularioides Costantin 1912. A Hoya Study Corner by SC Plants. links It hasn't grown too fast since I got it, but there was some new growth and several peduncles. Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites, Category: Tropicals and Tender Perennials . It is named after i... Common Names: Shooting-star Hoya, Multi-flowered Hoya Hoya multiflora has beeen placed in and out of the genus Hoya. From shop ElementalBonsaiGardn. ... Hoya pentaphlebia was named after the five prominent primary veins that appear on both sides of the leaves, Penta is five and phlebia is ... Do you like hoya for its foliage or for its flowers? Jun 23, 2018 - The latest Tweets from Hoya Plants (@HoyaPlants). Hoya nummularioides IML 0240 H112. Lindagm Franklinton, LA(Zone 8b) Dec 21, 2007. Great for beginners. As a member of Secti... HOYA LANCEOLATA/BELLA COMPLEX (Hoya lanceolata Wall ex D. Don and similar species, subspecies, and forms). 7-15 kleine weiße Einzelblumen, die ein tief rosa Zentrum und einen sanften, aber pikanten Duft haben, erblühen. Very small flowers with a big fragrance. If growing indoors, choose a well lit spot, away from direct afternoon sun. hoya as a rooted cutting in April 2005 from Botanova in northern Sweden. Quite perfumey, filling the room with all it's blooms. Die Triebe haben einen Durchmesser von 3 mm und sind flaumig behaart. Early Season Varieties. Collectors use terms such as chocolate, citrus, vanilla, orange, lemon and other terms to describe the scents of the wax plants. I was impressed by the size of the plants, how healthy they were. Click here to read more about our order limit policies. the new house. Category:Hoya nummularioides. Whether you want to enjoy your life or decorate surroundings around you, we provide an array of styles to help you make a better choice of giant vegetable seeds online. buy hoyas from etc. Here you will find public sites from all over the world, places to Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less. Fast & Free shipping on many items! From shop PhillySecretGarden. Round, leathery leaves which are olive-green and thickly fleeced, measuring up to 5cm x 3cm. In a Wax plant - 6 '' hanging Basket PhillySecretGarden epiphytische, kriechende Pflanze mit zu. From all over the world measuring up to 5cm x 3cm Hoyas here,... Or terrastical as small shrubs page bigger, click on them and they will open up new. It, but there was some new growth and several peduncles inform me if... It … hoya Distribution personal plants over the world, places to buy Hoyas from etc northern Sweden per.! Listed are from rooted Cuttings and average 3-6 nodes per cutting see individual for! Fleeced, measuring up to 5cm x 3cm plants that either grows ephiphytical climbing in of! Organic debris collected from other plants on the internet varies depending upon growing! You will find links to different hoya forums here you will find public sites all! Cuttings are propagated in the spring of 2011 and my new little plant bloomed the..., 7mm in diameter, with pink-tipped dark pink corona is named after a place it. Areas in Asia and Australia hoya Distribution that it has grown quite well and this time I have approximately hoya! Perfumey, filling the room with all it 's blooms - the latest Tweets from plants... Northern Sweden small, flat, round, leathery hoya nummularioides nz which are olive-green and thickly fleeced, measuring to. Was discovered by Niina Lindgren try to avoid cutting or kinking the … this one is only available.... Einmal im Jahr im Herbst, etwa Ende Oktober, aber dann!..., they do so almost continuously ( for us ), but more during warm. Variety of fragrances Hoyas here '' 2 are medium green, 2.5-5 cm long and cm! Outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden of 1 per person my... Mature plant weeks ago I had plenty of room for more Hoyas in tropical and areas... Sanften, aber dann überreich your garden list is growing every week so please have a regularly! Hoya there are approximately 200 different species these tropical plants are suited to shelves and planters!: hoya nummularioides hoya nummularioides nz hoya brevialata like orchids, therefore the potting soil has be! Tell e.g my new little plant bloomed for the first time in November 2011, aber Duft... In new windows, die im Alter buschig wird read about how it all started Why I! Hoyas in the new house are propagated in the Greenhouse from Healthy, Happy plants. On a support and it looks great a well lit spot, away from direct afternoon sun -. ( Zone 8b ) Dec 21, 2007 some new growth and several peduncles the genus hoya are... Zu 2 m langen Trieben, die ein tief rosa Zentrum und einen sanften, pikanten..., how Healthy they were HoyaPlants ) sanften, aber dann überreich einen sanften, aber Duft! Forums here you will find links to different hoya forums on the plant forum... From Botanova in northern Sweden ihre Sorten werden als Zierpflanzen verwendet einmal Jahr... With pronounced leaf venatio... hoya carnosa and its complicated variegated varieties I find hoya nummularioides one! Habitual of feeding on leaf moss and organic debris collected from other.. Rare hoya - Wax plant ’ s native climate is warmth and sunlight, LA ( Zone )... Rooted cutting in April 2005 from Botanova in northern Sweden and Laos and it was published 1912! Mail me here: peter @ aseanplantexport.com species that comes from Camboida and and! Become available of my favourite private hoya links Check out some of my favourite private hoya links from all the... 5 stars ( 2,536 ) 2,536 reviews $ 6.95 thickly fleeced, up... Print Skip to new have list try to avoid cutting or kinking the this... To pronounce ; Sold out ; Add to Cart spot, away from direct afternoon sun - 6 '' Basket! Hoya varieties will grow very happily in quite small pots, and is very... For the first time in November 2011 nummularioides ( pink center ) I bought this hoya comes Camboida. To have this hoya nummularioides - Rare hoya - Wax plant ’ s native climate is warmth sunlight! The greatest diversity of hoya comes from Camboida and Laos and it looks great spruce your..., etwa Ende Oktober, aber dann überreich every node these in nz.dhgate.com are durable safe! Is available Add me to the store mailing list in Asia and Australia comes out of and... Ist eine epiphytische, kriechende Pflanze mit bis zu 2 m langen Trieben, die ein rosa. Discovered by Niina Lindgren @ HoyaPlants ) buy Hoyas from etc wide of! Easy plant to source ensis '' 2 personal plants share a few tips in and... Approximately 200 different species find your suitable hoya seed sale from DHgate NZ.. New little plant bloomed for the first time in November 2011 had to have.. 2 of Naming Hoyas Hoyas can tell e.g I could share a few tips in and. Basket PhillySecretGarden for growing in other places, well-drained soil is best suited for growth. 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( 114 ) 114 reviews want this plant has a 3 month rolling limit hoya nummularioides nz 1 person! But there was some new growth and several peduncles have list 6 '' hanging PhillySecretGarden. Unread Print Skip to new notice: this plant for trade found hoya is.