100 – 102). Othello le blesse en comprenant son erreur, avant de se suicider aux côtés de sa femme. To DESDEMONA. A cry within 'A sail, a sail, a sail!' Iago est un officier au service du général vénitien Othello. However, the less experienced Michael Cassio was given the position instead, largely fo… Left in the conduct of the bold Iago, Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts A se'nnight's speed. Great Jove, Othello guard, And swell his sail with thine own powerful breath, ... [Exeunt OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, and Attendants] IAGO: Do thou meet me pres-ently at the harbour. Furthermore Iago here can be seen using the Elizabethan stereotypes of black men in 17th Century Britain to his advantage. Though Iago even says that he is unsure if the rumour is true, therefore suggesting again that Iago has no real motive for his hatred for Othello is instead wishing to look for excuses for his actions, despite how ludicrous the excuse may be. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 30 octobre 2020 à 17:18. 231. Iago resents Cassio, a man with ‘a daily beauty in his life’ (5.1.19), hates being tied to Othello’s service and yearns for preferment. Othello (1981, Royaume-Uni) de Jonathan Miller, avec Anthony Hopkins, Bob Hoskins, Penelope Wilton, Rosemary Leach. Enter a fourth Gentleman ... Othello, has also disappeared. Cet article est extrait de l'ouvrage Larousse « Dictionnaire mondial des films ». Enter IAGO. Cherchant Othello, ils le trouvent alors qu'il vient de recevoir une convocation chez le Doge. H owever, while Iago was setting up everything to go down hill, it is not 100% his fault. Celle-ci, obéissant à son mari, se prépare à se coucher, même si par son attitude elle semble pressentir le sort funeste qui l'attend: « Si je meurs avant toi, je t'en prie, ensevelis-moi dans un de ces draps » dit-elle à Emilia (Acte IV, scène III). Exeunt OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, and Attendants. While Iago’s and Brabantio’s remarks in Act 1 exude what is today accepted as racism, the Duke’s pronouncement that Othello is ‘far more fair than black’ and Montano’s claim that ‘the man commands / Like a full soldier’ (2.1.36–37) indicate the high esteem others have for him. Left in the conduct of the bold Iago, Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts : A se'nnight's speed. Iago begins to plot against Othello. When Emilia hands over the handkerchief to Iago, the plot against Othello quickens. Iago makes a bold move, linking his two plots together: He urges Roderigo to kill Cassio, explaining that Cassio's death will prevent Othello being sent elsewhere and, therefore, keep Desdemona in Cyprus. ‘Great Jove protect Othello. Iago had also initially set up the contrast between Othello and Desdemona in black and white: “an old black ram” (1.1.87) and a “white ewe” (1.1.88). Left in the conduct of the bold Iago, Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts : A se'nnight's speed. Iago et Roderigo se rendent chez Brabantio pour lui apprendre que sa fille, Desdémone, a quitté le toit paternel pour rejoindre Othello. All Acts are listed on the Othello text page, or linked to from the bottom of this page.. ACT 2. OTHELLO Most potent, grave, and reverend signiors, My very noble and approved good masters: That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter, It is most true; true, I have married her. Othello trusted Iago in every respect, often calling him “Honest Iago”. Othello trusts Iago totally as Iago has a reputation in Venice for being very honest: "my ancient; / A man he is of honest and trust.' The behaviour of Iago can be seen as jealousy towards his successful leader Othello, who at the beginning promoted Michael Cassio instead of Iago. Othello, pensant Cassio mort, décide de tuer sa femme. Iago est un personnage de la pièce Othello ou le Maure de Venise de William Shakespeare. Des universitaires ont fait un rapprochement entre les talents de manipulatrice de Bette et ceux du personnage de William Shakespeare, Iago[3],[4]. Cest sans d… IAGO OTHELLO Iago is most honest. From the beginning he expressed his hatred towards the Moor, or North African named Othello. IAGO 31 You have not been a-bed, then? Othello a été adaptée de nombreuses fois au cinéma, la première adaptation ayant eu lieu en Allemagne en 1907 par Franz Porten. Othello. Act 2, scene 1 . Lors des festivités organisées pour célébrer la destruction de la flotte ennemie et les noces du Maure, il fait boire Cassio et envoie Roderigo le provoquer. Iago. Due to all of the dramatic irony in the play, the reader knows Iago tells a bold-faced lie to Othello. 7–32). Othello may be impressive on the battlefield, but his own personal insecurity leads to the tragic end of the story. CASSIO Why, no; the day had broke Before we parted. Though in the trade of war I have slain men, Yet do I hold it very stuff o' the conscience To do no contrived murder: I lack iniquity 205 Sometimes to do me service: nine or ten times I had thought to have yerk'd him here under the ribs. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 1 novembre 2020 à 07:37. 'Tis better as it is. Iago, passing by, says he will send Emilia in himself, and promises to occupy Othello so that Cassio can speak to Desdemona uninterrupted. Iago y voit l'occasion de mettre son plan en œuvre. Iago crudely informs Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, that Othello and Desdemona have eloped. It is inferred that this “maiden never bold” her Father describes does not know her own mind; she should be fearful of Othello, not attracted to him. Ce dernier a une totale confiance en lui, mais Iago le hait secrètement : il est persuadé que sa femme, Emilia, le trompe avec Othello, et est mécontent d'avoir été supplanté par Cassio pour une promotion. However, Othello has no reason to believe Iago would lie to him. honest Iago. bold Iago. The last is Iago, … Othello, réhabilité, reçoit pour mission de partir défendre Chypre contre les Ottomans. Iago 2.1 line 294 . Is he a disgruntled employee? I have made bold, Iago, To send in to your wife. Drame d'Orson Welles, avec Orson Welles (Othello), Michael MacLiammoir (Iago), Suzanne Cloutier (Desdémone), Robert Coote (Rodrigo), Michael Lawrence (Cassio), Hilton Edwards (Brabantio), Fay Compton (Emilio), Nicolas Bruce (Lodovico), Doris Dowling (Bianca), Joseph Cotten, Joan Fontaine. Shakespeare et son public étaient friands de personnages extrêmes, de représentations de la folie humaine et de scènes de violence et de mort. Iago is a man with an obsession for control and power over others who has let this obsession take over his whole life. This audience perspective is what Shakespeare maintains throughout Othello, so that we continually refract our views of Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio, Othello, and even Desdemona through Iago's eyes, as Kent Cartwright confirms in Shakespeare's Tragedy and Its Double: "Through fourteen of the fifteen scenes of Othello, the audience shares its discrepant awareness with Iago" (142). She's come here seven days earlier than I expected. The duke and the senators discuss the movements of the Turkish fleet and conclude that its target is, indeed, Cyprus…. All the meetings were bold, contentious, and very modern. Cassio suit le conseil de Iago qui s'arrange pour qu'Othello assiste de loin à la conversation entre les deux jeunes gens ; avec une habileté diabolique, il fait naître l'inquiétude dans l'esprit d'Othello ; Othello lutte contre ces soupçons, mais Iago suggère que si Desdémone se fait l'avocate de Cassio, cela peut signifier qu'ils ont une liaison. Othello is presented as gentlemanly and honorable, true contrast to how Iago and Brabantio have been depicting him previously in the play. Act 1, scene 3. My suit to her Is that she will to virtuous Desdemona Procure me some access. Il hésite, car il l'aime encore, et malgré les dénégations de sa femme devant ses accusations, il l'étouffe. He explains that he was an experienced soldier and had served under Othello for many years, and thus was expecting to be promoted to the position of Othello's lieutenant. Interprétation : Orson Welles (Othello), Micheál Mac Liammóir (Iago), Suzanne Cloutier (Desdemone), Robert Coote (Roderigo), Michael Laurence (Cassio), Hilton Edwards (Barbantio) Distributeur : Carlotta Films; Date de sortie : 23 avril 2014; Durée : 1h33 ; Être ou ne pas être ce que l'on est par Matthieu Santelli « C’est la cause, c’est la cause, ô mon âme ! Emilia le surprend alors qu'elle venait le prévenir de l'agression de Cassio, Othello lui dit qu'il l'a tuée parce qu'elle l'avait trompé, chose qu'il confirme devant les nobles attirés par le bruit, prenant comme preuve le mouchoir. ’Tis my breeding / That gives me this bold show of courtesy” (II.i. Emilia comprend alors que Iago est responsable de tout. Michael, good night: to-morrow with your earliest : Let me have speech with you. Exeunt OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, and Attendants. Cassio 2.1 line 73. the lusty Moor. CASSIO 32 Why, no; the day had broke 33 Before we parted. La pièce voit Iago employer toute sa ruse à détruire Othello, en lui faisant croire que sa femme Desdémone le trompe avec Cassio. This appears to be his starting point for hating Othello, and feeds on the unlikely match of a coloured soldier to a young beautiful Venetian woman. After Othello repeatedly urges Iago to tell him what's on his mind, Iago says "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;/ It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on." Ils cherchent à discréditer le Maure, qui aurait bafoué l'honneur de Brabantio. Stand in bold cure. He is the victim of an envious monster of jealousy (Langis 61). Avec 1 097 vers, il est celui qui parle le plus de toute la pièce, devant Othello lui-même. The woman I told you about, our great captain's captain, left under bold Iago's watch. Elle le révèle aux nobles présents, Iago la frappe de son épée et s'enfuit, poursuivi par Montano. En 2017, la maison d'édition Hogarth (qui fait partie de Penguin Random House) a publié, dans le cadre de son Shakespeare Project, un roman de Tracy Chevalier, New Boy. Iago has very few redeeming qualities. Desdemona's handkerchief becomes an important piece of stage business. Iago organise une autre mise en scène. Iago says to Othello, “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds (Othello Act 3 Scene 3).” The meaning of this quote is Iago warns Othello about Brabantio’s anger, but Othello is confident in his own strength and in his love for Desdemona…. Dans une école très WASP (élèves et professeurs très anglo-saxons protestants et blancs) l'arrivée d'un nouvel élève, noir, va exacerber les passions. ‘‘Othello’s downfall is jealousy (Othello’s Tragic Flaw) Iago tells Othello not to be jealous when Othello thinks his wife is cheating on him. IAGO I'll send her to you presently; Iago is doing this to push Othello past the point of sanity so that Othello is about to go mad and cannot get the idea of killing Desdemona out of his head. ‘Our great Captain’s captain, placed in the care of the bold Iago, who’s arrived a week before I had anticipated.’ Cassio looked up at the sky. Othello, le Maure de Venise (Othello, the Moor of Venice en anglais) est une tragédie de William Shakespeare, jouée pour la première fois en 1604. Othello. Pour le reste de la pièce, Iago tisse un flot de mensonges qui infecte tout le monde. "How now, my lord? Iago, dans cette optique, est donc le symbole du puritanisme, Othello, le noir à qui l'on fait commettre des abjections ne saurait être autre que Shakespeare lui-même, Cassio, représenterait alors quelque autre auteur contemporain de Shakespeare comme Christopher Marlowe ou Ben Johnson. She that I spake of, our great captain’s captain, Left in the conduct of the bold Iago; Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts A se’nnight’s speed. In Act II, scene i, Cassio contributes to Iago’s anger by taunting the ensign about his inferior status: “Let it not gall your patience, good Iago, / That I extend my manners. Iago arrives with Desdemona, his wife, Emilia, and Roderigo. Desdémone possède un mouchoir dont Othello lui a fait cadeau. Due to all of the dramatic irony in the play, the reader knows Iago tells a bold-faced lie to Othello. Michael, good night: to-morrow with your earliest : Let me have speech with you. Othello: Iago Makes Othello Believe His Wife Is Having An Affair In Shakespeare's "Othello," Iago carefully and masterfully entraps Othello into ... manipulative, relentless, and bold. Othello, trompé par les commentaires de Iago, est persuadé qu'ils parlent de manière désobligeante de sa femme. Ce dernier a une totale confiance en lui, mais Iago le hait secrètement : il est persuadé que sa femme, Emilia, le trompe avec Othello, et est mécontent d'avoir été supplanté par Cassio pour une promotion. Celui-ci vient d'apprendre que les navires ottomans menacent Chypre. "..I have made bold, Iago, To send in to your wife. IAGO 31 You have not been a-bed, then? 10 : To DESDEMONA : Come, my dear love, The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue; That profit's yet to come 'tween me and you. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cherchant Othello, ils le trouvent alors qu'il vient de recevoir une convocation … Il est dès lors convaincu d'avoir été trahi, au point de demander à Iago de tuer Cassio (chez qui Iago est allé déposer le mouchoir). Ses officiers et sa femme l'accompagnent. IAGO [Aside.] Act 1, scene 3 The duke and the senators discuss the movements of the Turkish fleet and conclude that its target is, indeed, Cyprus…. Roderigo, qui a l'impression d'avoir été manipulé par Iago, lui demande des comptes. [Enter OTHELLO, IAGO, and Attendants with torches] Iago. L’auteur s’est également inspiré de l’histoire de Sampiero Corso pour son personnage d’Othello, notamment la tragique affaire qui a vu le colonel corse tuer sa femme Vannina d’Ornano de ses propres mains pour trahison. Great Jove, Othello guard, ... Iago's Motives: The Relationship Between Othello and Iago Shakespeare and Race: The Relationship Between Othello and Desdemona Iago might have caused the tension, but it was really Othello who let everything go down hill. Alertés par les cris, Lodovico, Gratiano et Montano arrivent sur les lieux, Iago achève Roderigo afin qu'il ne puisse pas le dénoncer. Ay, if you dare do yourself a profit and a right. Later, in a conversation with Iago, Roderigo confesses that he has had enough of his romantic quest and plans to withdraw. In happy time, Iago. 199 That e'er our hearts shall make! À son instigation, Othello observe de loin une discussion entre Cassio et lui-même, à propos de sa maîtresse, Bianca. Le théâtre de Shakespeare est caractérisé par des descriptions minutieuses des passions humaines et de la folie qui souvent les accompagne. IV,2,2995. Cassio finds the handkerchief, and he asks Bianca to make a duplicate of it. In Venice, at the start of Othello, the soldier Iago announces his hatred for his commander, Othello, a Moor. In the opening scene of the play Iago discusses his hatred of Othello with Roderigo, a young man Iago is taking advantage of (and money from) who wants Desdemona for himself. Othello. Cassio entre avec Iago, qui venait de lui parler de son amour Bianca. Iago le récupère par l'intermédiaire de sa femme, Emilia, et dit à Othello qu'il l'a vu en possession de Cassio. He has the ability to charm and convince people of his loyalty and honesty–“Honest Iago,” according to Othello–but the audience is immediately introduced to his vitriol and desire for revenge, despite his lack of proved reason. OR: What do you think motivates Iago? Honest Iago. – 2.3 couple not yet consummated their marriage ‘’Come, my dear love, / The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue; / That profit’s yet to come ‘tween me and you.’ Ad. Iago et Roderigo se rendent chez Brabantio pour lui apprendre que sa fille, Desdémone, a quitté le toit paternel pour rejoindre Othello. CASSIO Why, no. IV,2,3000. Les adaptations les plus connues sont les suivantes : Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cassio regrette aussitôt son geste : « Être à présent un homme sensé, tout à l'heure un fou, et bientôt une brute » (Acte II, scène 3). Tracy Chevalier a transposé dans une école secondaire de Washington D.C., dans les années 70, la tragédie de Shakespeare. Left in the conduct of the bold Iago, Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts. Le personnage d'Edmond Barbentane, dans Aurélien d'Aragon se déguise en Othello lors de la fête chez Valmondois, dans le chapitre LXIX. Othello has promoted Cassio, not Iago, to be his lieutenant. Othello perceives the handkerchief as Desdemona’s, which hardens his doubts that Desdemona and Cassio are having an unsanctioned romance. The contrast of good versus evil is created by all the other contrasts revealed in Othello. Pour Othello, il semble que Cassio avoue avoir eu une liaison avec Desdemona. IAGO I'll send her to you presently; Good night. Son récit est confirmé par Desdémone. “A maiden never bold, Of spirit so still and quiet that her motion Blushed at herself” May Jove guard Othello and send his ship quickly here, so that he may bless us with his arrival, embrace Desdemona in love, and rekindle the fire in … Othello believes Iago to be his personal friend. By the same logic, Desdemona would prefer Cassio, who is like her in age, race, and class, as opposed to Othello who is older, black and unattractive (1538). CASSIO Welcome, Iago; we must to the watch. Before the Venetian Senate, Brabantio accuses Othello of bewitching Desdemona. He is the only one in the play who speaks to the audience, and his bitter rants about Othello and Cassio, his casual dismissal of women as worthless prostitutes, and his gleeful self-congratulation about the nasty things he's doing are the foundation of how we view the story: Othello Analysis . The tone of Othello is dominated by Iago's voice. Cassio, qui a trop bu, s'emporte et blesse accidentellement Montano, le gouverneur de Chypre ; Othello est contraint de le dégrader. Swell his sails with your own powerful breath so that he will bless this bay with his tall ship, fall into Desdemona’s loving arms, raise our exhausted spirits and bring comfort to Cyprus.’ « Être à présent un homme sensé, tout à l'heure un fou, et bientôt une brute », « Si je meurs avant toi, je t'en prie, ensevelis-moi dans un de ces draps », The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Othello_ou_le_Maure_de_Venise&oldid=176064007, Pièce de théâtre se déroulant au Moyen Âge, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Littérature britannique/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Iago est un officier au service du général vénitien Othello. This behavior serves in his favor as his respectful and humble response differs to Brabantio’s own behavior. Enter IAGO In happy time, Iago. CASSIO : Welcome, Iago; we must to the watch. Cynical, Paranoid. Iago élabore un plan pour faire venir Cassio dans la pièce alors qu'Othello est à portée de voix et déclare qu'il le fera avouer de cette affaire. He sees Desdemona’s free spirited attitude as something to be proud of, not something that needs to be toned down: Tis not to make me jealous Why, by making him uncapable of Othello's place; knocking out his brains. Othello is amused at Iago warning him about the green-eyed monster jealousy, replying disbelievingly “ think’st thou I’d make a life of jealousy ?”. In the first scene, he claims to be angry at Othello for having passed him over for the position of lieutenant (I.i. Enter IAGO. This page contains the original text of Othello Act 2, Scene 1.Shakespeare’s original Othello text is extremely long, so we’ve split the text into one Scene per page. La tragédie d'Othello a été adaptée deux fois pour le théâtre lyrique : Eugène Delacroix, peintre romantique, réalise entre 1847 et 1849, un tableau inspiré par la pièce Othello et Desdémone, conservé au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada à Ottawa[5]. Great Jove, Othello guard, And swell his sail with thine own pow’rful breath, That he may bless this bay with his tall ship, Make love’s quick pants in Desdemona’s arms, Give … Iago convincingly states: “As, to be bold with you,/Not to affect many proposed matches/Of her own clime, complexion, and degree,/Whereto we see in all things nature tends” (III.iii. He admires and loves his wife, but he can't believe that she would be in love with him. … Ironically Iago is repeatedly described as honest - this shows that Iago is such a skilled manipulator: Cassio says that he "never knew a Florentine more kind and honest" Desdemona declares "O, that's an honest fellow" He persuades Othello that his "honesty and love doth mince this matter" when the opposite is … IAGO I’ll send her to you presently, 40 And I’ll devise a mean to draw the Moor To start off, Iago insinuates that Desdemona is unfaithful to Othello, as she prefers only people of her „type‟, a class Othello will never belong. Come, my dear love, The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue; That profit's yet to come 'tween me and you. La folie particulière développée par le personnage dOthello, peut-être plus que tout autre, a marqué les esprits par sa justesse et son universalité. If I have been talking with a suitor here, A man that languishes in your displeasure." Desdemona can be seen to represent everything which is good while Iago represents everything which is evil. Iago goes to find Emilia, and Cassio–duped like Othello–marvels at how “kind and honest” he is. Othello & Cassio 2.3 line 330. En Allemagne en 1907 par Franz Porten everything which is evil pièce Othello ou le,... Whole life les adaptations les plus maléfiques et machiavéliques de l'œuvre de Shakespeare le Doge à.! By Iago 's voice conduct of the bold Iago, and Cassio–duped Othello–marvels. Has very few redeeming qualities, avec Anthony Hopkins, Bob Hoskins, Wilton! Trouvent alors qu'il vient de recevoir une convocation chez le Doge Venise de Shakespeare. À Othello qu'il l ' « honnête » Iago est l'un des personnages plus! And loves his wife, Emilia, and Cassio–duped like Othello–marvels at how “ kind honest. Is confident in his own strength and in his own personal insecurity to! His favor as his respectful and humble response differs to Brabantio ’ anger. 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