The Armenian Cranesbill grows up to four feet high and has large magenta petals and leaves that turn red in fall. The Royal Horticultural Society gave it the Award of Garden Merit (AGM). The foliage consists of lacy green leaves and the blooms have tiny white eyes and dark purple veins. They have won numerous international flower awards and require very little maintenance. They look great in containers and as borders and they grow up to 12 inches high. The petals on these flowers are quite unique with lavender close to the tips and white closer to the center. They bloom from late spring to late summer and grow best in full sun or partial shade. They are also ideal for garden boxes. With finely divided foliage, the flower is compact and grows well all summer long. Gift Certificates 10% Off – Buy Now! They bloom in late spring and early summer and they are great in suppressing weeds, thanks to their foliage that spreads to form a hammock shape. They grow in full sun and partial shade and they are long-lasting and easy to grow. Medium to tall in height, this grassland perennial consists of leaves that are deeply cut and stems that are hairy, long, and reddish in color. Ivy geraniums bring back memories reminiscent of the wonderful flowered balconies of Alpine huts. They make great borders and flowers for containers and they are disease- and pest-free. True geraniums, on the other hand, are much more cold hardy and can be grown as perennials in many more climates. Geranium endressii is an early summer bloomer and stays in flower for several weeks. These purple-magenta flowers have dark veins and an almost black center. Cranesbills, or hardy geraniums, are perennial border plants with saucer-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple and blue. Astilbe; Epimedium; Monarda; Sedum; Rudbeckia; Geranium is a genus of 422 species of annual, biennial, and perennial plants that are commonly known as geraniums or cranesbills.They are found throughout the temperate regions of the world and the mountains of the tropics, but mostly in the eastern part of the Mediterranean region.. The winner of numerous international flower awards, the flowers grow up to two feet high and are very vigorous. With beautiful cupped magenta petals and black star-shaped centers, this type of geranium has a long blooming period and has won numerous international flower awards. Oct 24, 2017 - Explore Hepsey's board "hardy geraniums", followed by 191 people on Pinterest. They look great as borders and groundcovers. Their blooms are small and they look great in containers and vases. See more ideas about hardy geranium, geraniums, perennials. Tolerate of full-shade conditions, the Sweet Heidy grows up to 18 inches high and blooms early to late summer. Among the different varieties of geraniums, the scented geraniums are lavished not so much for their flowers, but for the fragrance of their leaves, emanating a … With masses of violet-blue flowers, this plant has small white centers, purple-violet veins, and deeply cut green leaves, which produces a beautiful contrasting look. Here are six varieties of hardy geraniums to consider for your flower garden. With the largest blooms of all geraniums, the petals are bi-colored and have a darker center. They grow up to 14 inches high and require minimal care. With purplish-pink petals that contain deep red centers, these flowers grow up to four feet high and are short-lived biennials. Each variety has a unique scent and they can smell of mint, lemon, chocolate, various spices, and anything that is citrusy. Perennial flower and plants are listed ... Must Have Perennials® Varieties. Also called the Dark Red Geranium, this flower can remain dormant for months but when it does bloom, you get vivid petals in bright red that are truly eye-catching. Hardy, mounding plants feature pretty, five-petaled flowers and attractive deeply lobed, often lacy-looking foliage. It will fill in extremely quickly and you should get repeat blooms here and there throughout the season. What beautiful flowers! This flower is a very popular annual and comes in many colors, including bright red, with tall, upright bushes that are truly eye-catching. It’s native to South Africa but can also be found all over the world. Propagation: Many varieties of geranium can be propagated from seed and division. This particular geranium can be spotted in just about every photo of a British garden and it has proven to be widely adaptable in other areas as well. The delicate petals remain in place for many months and the leaves are extraordinary with their fern-like shape and darker veins. Geranium sanguineum has one of the best bloom displays of all the geraniums. The original hybrid, designated G. oxonianum, was a hybrid cross of G. endressii and G. versicolor, The thursonianum form has double pink-purple flowers. Geranium × cantabrigiense 'Karmina' (Cranesbill) is a vigorous, semi-evergreen, mat-forming perennial with masses of 5-petaled, lilac-pink flowers opening from dark red buds. Although not a true Geranium, it belongs in the same family. E. Echinacea Epimedium Erodium Eupatorium. Geraniums are also called Crane’s Bill because of the resemblance with its seed capsule. The plants that truly belong to the Geranium genus are much different specimens, perennial flowering plants that also go by the common name "true geraniums," "hardy geraniums," "cranesbill," or "storksbill." We gardeners can never have too many white flowers, and the deeply divided foliage of geranium 'Alba' only increases the ornamental value of this plant. There are no divas among geraniums, they need minimal maintenance and once established, they are decorative, drought-tolerant, and undemanding. They contain blue-violet petals and dense leaves. In both foliage and flower, perennial geraniums offer a variety of colors to choose from. Glad to see you publishing again. A prolific bloomer, the blooms consist of five violet-blue petals that are finely veined and have white centers. They also have leaves with a red-purple tinge once fall arrives. Hardy geraniums are low-growing perennial plants that spread via rhizomes. It is a tough and reliable, thriving in a wide assortment of soils. Welcome to the Hardy Geranium nursery. Older varieties are somewhat intolerant of long periods of heat and humidity, but newer varieties are more heat-resistant. An adaptable geranium, it’s a good plant for dry shade. They provide a truly diverse range of colours and forms, making it possible to find one for pretty much every part of the garden. They grow up to 20 inches high and are compact and clump-forming. Often the whole plant can begin to look scraggly and a good shearing is needed to rejuvenate it. wide (4 cm). These geraniums are white-centered and come in soft pink colors and their long stems are quite elegant-looking. A … They are easy to grow and both pest- and disease-free. G. endressii is sometimes considered a hybrid cross between G. endressii and G. versicolor, with the official name of Geranium × oxonianum. These flowers’ petals are eye-catching in deep purple with white centers. Landre, Drefach, LLANYBYDDER SA40 9YD. The foliage is often toothed and remains attractive year-round The flowers float on top of … Compact perennial geraniums are perfect to cover rocky terrain and line edges in small gardens. D. Delphinium Dierama Dodecatheon. They grow up to 30 inches high and include sporadic re-blooms throughout the Summer. They can have white veins and they grow up to three feet in height. Geranium, Perennial Plant Features Perennial geraniums, often called cranesbill geraniums, always seem to be smothered in bloom. The foliage is often toothed and remains attractive year-round The flowers float on top of the plant, in shades of white, pink, magenta, purple, and blue. Geranium sanguineum spreads less quickly than Geranium endressii and requires little to no care. They are quite striking, thanks to their color. But that plant, which often goes by the common name of "garden geranium" or "annual geranium," is actually a member of the Pelargonium genus of plants—and it as been since 1789, when the the genus was separated out from the Geranium genus. Resembling powder puffs, these eye-catching flowers grow up to 16 inches high and come in salmon pink. Geranium 'Double Jewel' is a compact geranium with a more upright growing habit than you usually see in hardy varieties. The foliage is usually more distinctly cut than other geraniums, giving it a delicate, lacy appearance. A small flower, it grows up to eight inches high and its five petals are lilac pink and open from dark red bulbs. Bluestone Perennials - Home. It blooms from April until the fall. Their petals are saucer-shaped and deep purple in color with white centers and dark veins throughout. Perfect for all garden types and all types of gardener. These flowers grow up to one foot in height and have purple-crimson petals and dark red centers. As a group, they are also known as true geraniums, perennial geraniums, or wild geraniums. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. I will find out in … Hardy geraniums are much more subtle flowers than the colorful annual Pelargoniums, but they have an important role in the perennial border garden. They are perfect for window boxes and hanging baskets. The petals start as a five-petal design but grow fuller as the season proceeds and they look spectacular as groundcovers, as borders, and in cottage gardens. With sparse lavender petals and beautiful dark leaves, this variety of Geranium looks great in borders, beds, and cottage gardens. It is probably a hybrid cross between G. himalayense and G. pretense. They are sturdy and hardy and they have dark veins and fan-shaped leaves. Mobile: +44 (0)7984 880241 The palmately cleft leaves are broadly circular in form. striatum (Bloody Cranesbill) is an eye-catching prostrate perennial with soft pink, cup-shaped flowers with darker pink veining, up to 1.5 in. They can grow up to two feet high and bloom from April to June. They grow up to eight inches tall and are hardy, reliable, and very easy to grow. Geranium Varieties. A. Achillea Aconitum Actaea (Cimicifuga) Agastache Allium Anemone Aquilegia Aster Astilbe Astrantia. The Brookside produces dark lavender-blue blooms from spring through fall and in the fall, the blooms turn from lavender-blue to a bright red-orange. Geranium endressii is a plant that often comes to mind when gardeners think of hardy geraniums. Perennial Geranium Varieties is free HD Wallpaper. There exist 100 different varieties of geraniums, so that it may get confusing for you, but understanding the difference between geraniums and pelargoniums will do the work. They look beautiful as borders and in containers. It looks great in containers and borders and it does best in zones 4-8. They prefer full sun and regular watering and they grow best in zones 5-7. This wallpaper was upload at November 26, 2019 by Home Design. 'Kashmir Purple' is a more vigorous plant that also spreads more vigorously. They grow up to one foot in height, they are resistant to deer and rabbits, and butterflies love them. The centers are white and the petals have dark purple veins running through them. With white petals and deep purple stripes and yellow centers, they grow up to 12 inches high and are virtually trouble- and maintenance-free. These flowers are disease- and pest-free, easy to grow, and have magenta flowers that bloom from late spring to early summer. This is a dwarf plant with grey-green leaves and large purplish-pink flowers with dark purple centers. 'Southcombe Double' is a cultivar developed from one form of the same hybrid geranium that was the source of the popular 'Wargrave's Pink cultivar'. The typical cup-shaped flowers come in shades of pink, magenta, and white. I didn't know geraniums came in perennial varieties, so thank you. The foliage is bright and glossy, and the pale-centred, mauve-pink flowers open over a long season, from June to August, when many shade plants are over. The Johnson’s Blue is perfect for rock gardens and has blue saucer-like petals that bloom for many weeks. Scented Geraniums. They are similar to the Ann Folkard but they are more compact and more heat-tolerant. It is an attractive plant all season, in or out of bloom. But it's every bit as hardy and easy-going as its cousins, with the bonus of blooming almost non-stop throughout the summer, into fall. Although most varieties prefer sun, they will tolerate partial shade as well. With salmon pink to silvery-pink petals and medium-green leaves, these flowers boast long-lasting colors and a height of up to two feet. They look beautiful in cottage gardens, rock gardens, beds, and borders and they are attractive to butterflies. They’re popular in cottage garden schemes and offer a long season of pollen and nectar for a number of pollinators, particularly bees. The flowers have won numerous international flower awards and turn yellow in the fall, making them quite unique and eye-catching. Geranium 'Alice' Geranium cinereum 'Carol' Geranium cinereum 'Purple Pillow' Geranium 'Memories' Geranium 'Penny Lane' Geranium 'Sateene' Geranium 'Springtime' Geranium 'Thumbling Heart' Perennials. An eye-catching perennial with light pink petals, they bloom from early summer to the first frost and they grow up to 20 inches high. With deep-maroon petals and white centers, these flowers grow up to 30 inches in height and are eye-catching and elegant-looking. The winner of previous international flower awards, the flowers have elegant-looking soft pink petals and dark pink veins. The flower stalks can grow quite tall and will droop under the weight of the blossoms. Growing Hardy Geraniums. Because they are so vulnerable to frost, they should be brought indoors when it’s cold outside. These over achieving, sun-loving plants grow only 6 to 18 inches tall (depending on variety), put on a big show of color in … Most are winter hardy in USDA zones 5 through 8. Most people confuse geraniums with pelargoniums. It has leaves that are bright chartreuse and turn darker later in the season and it is a hybrid with a lot of sturdiness and vigor. Hardy Geraniums or Cranesbills are fuss-free, easy to grow herbaceous perennials. Their color combinations include lavender and violet, pink and magenta, bright crimson and primary red, and pink and white. Clarke's geranium is best known for a single cultivar, the white-flowered 'Kashmir White'. They bloom in late spring and early summer and they are sturdy and easy to grow. The standard-bearer of is the 'Wargrave Pink' cultivar. Most gardeners don't bother to stake them, since it is still an attractive plant, even with its floppy habit. They are easy to grow, thrive in shade and flower for months. The cranesbill/storksbill common name is earned because the seed pods somewhat resemble the bills of those birds. ''Kashmir White' is not the hardiest grower, but the white flowers and finely cut foliage make it garden-worthy. Geranium Seeds and Plants. With an exceptionally long bloom period, the Patricia is easy to grow and very reliable with magenta-pink petals and black star-shaped centers. Also known as the Red Robin or the Fox Geranium, it has small, pink, five-petaled blooms with deeply dissected leaves and petals that can turn red at the end of the season. Geranium arboreum “Hawaiian Red-Flowered Geranium.”, Geranium maderense “Giant Herb-Robert Geranium.”, Geranium palmatum “Canary Island Cranesbill.”, Geranium psilostemon “Armenian Cranesbill.”, Geranium renardii “Caucasian Cranesbill.”, Geranium x oxonianum f. thurstonianum “Southcombe Double.”, Pelargonium domesticum “Martha Washington Geranium.”, Pelargonium graveolens “Scented Leaf Geranium.”, Pelargonium pellatum “Ivy Leaf Geranium.”, Pelargonium x hortorum “Garden Geranium.”. These plants bloom all summer long and have upward-facing petals that are deep magenta-pink in color. It's very disease-resistant and a magnet for bees and butterflies. They have a great aroma and look great as groundcovers. It is a good plant for edgings or in rock gardens. The Biokovo is the 2015 Perennial Plant of the Year and is colored in pale pink with darker pink centers. Plants are herbaceous in cold regions, but in areas with mild winters, many can boast of semi-evergreen or evergreen leaves. This genus of plants is invaluable in the garden. The Double Jewel has beautiful white petals with a dark pink flushing near the center, which has a yellow tint. Also known as the Black Widow, they do well in damp shade and have petals that are white, deep purple, or maroon in color. Native to Hawaii, these flowers are pollinated by birds, which is rare for geraniums. It grows best in full sun, in well-drained soil, and in zones 5-9. These are hardy Geraniums with numerous purple-magenta blooms, tiny white centers, and rich green foliage. A lovely free flowering variety of the sanguineum species, Geranium sanguineum var. Unless stated otherwise, all are incredibly frost hardy. The genus Geranium contains over 300 species distributed mainly in North Temperate regions, and more than 100 varieties are presently in cultivation. Hardy Geranium plants have become renowned in recent years as for the summer border display, adding traditional colour and beauty when they flower from late summer through to early autumn. Blooming heavily from late spring to midsummer, the flowers rise atop a foliage of aromatic, rounded, lobed, green leaves which become red-tinged in fall. The petals on this flower open pink and eventually turn purple with veins and a white center. Also called a Neon Geranium, these flowers have bright cherry-pink petals and do very well throughout the fall and even the winter. With dense, beautiful pink and white petals, they resemble clusters of roses and grow well in full sun. Geraniums are cheerful, colorful flowers that fill the landscape with brightly colored blossoms. Also called the Black-Eyed Magenta Geranium, this variety has one-inch-wide blooms in bright magenta and black centers. See more ideas about planting flowers, flower garden, beautiful flowers. Because of their tall and elegant look, they look great in hanging baskets. They grow up to one foot in height and their foliage takes on a beautiful purple tint. Perennial geraniums are available in shades of pink, blue, purple and white. These flowers do well in full sun and partial shade and they have saucer-shaped petals in pink-magenta color. The saucer-shaped flowers are hardy, easy to grow, and can grow up to 24 inches high. Also known as the Madeira Cranesbill, this flower has deeply divided, fern-like leaves and pink flowers set atop stems that are deep red in color. Most hardy geranium varieties grow low and slow, with heights around 12″ to 18″, and a spread of 2 to 3 feet at full size. In addition, they are very attractive to butterflies. Dark pink and white centers, these geraniums bloom from late spring to late summer and grow up to 12 inches in height. Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on April 01, 2018: I did not know there are different varieties of perennial geraniums. The common name "Cranes Bill" comes from the shape of the pointed seedpod. Consisting of golden yellow foliage with markings of red, purple, and green, these flowers have multi-colored, semi-flat petals; therefore, they are unique and very attractive. It is also very simple to grow and low-maintenance. Cut back the flowers after the first bloom, to get sporadic repeat blooms. Hardy Geranium are the true Perennial Geraniums, with long blooming seasons and neat growth habit. 'Johnson's Blue' is a drought tolerant plant that blooms best in full sun but appreciates some afternoon shade in hot, dry areas. It can grow up to 60 inches in height and does best in temperate regions. Known for its fragrant foliage, these flowers do great in patios and other seating areas. They bloom early in the season and in cooler areas and the blooming can continue throughout the summer. One of its common names, cranesbill, comes from the seedpods of these plants, which resemble the beak of a crane. 800-852-5243 Log In Perfect for edges and in rock gardens, the Max Frei grows up to 12 inches high and is also attractive to butterflies. It forms mounds of deeply-cut, glossy green foliage topped with cup-shaped flowers in various shades of pink or magenta. With small pink flowers and deep violet veins, this flower has dark green leaves and grows up to 16 inches tall. After the blooms fade, the whole plant should be sheared back to basal growth. The flowers are beautiful when planted in beds, planters, hanging baskets, and cottage gardens. Perennial varieties. Also known as the Broad-Petaled Geranium, it is a herbaceous plant with petals that are lavender-blue in color and have light-colored centers. Geranium “Dreamland.” An eye-catching perennial with light pink petals, they bloom from early summer to the first frost and they grow up to 20 inches high. Are geraniums annuals or perennial. The flower gets its name due to its citrusy scent but the petals are sparse and lavender in color with dark purple near its dark purple center. It is clump forming and often self-seeds. A variety of flowering perennials fall under the geranium family. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. The winner of several international flower awards, the Mavis Simpson grows up to 18 inches high and looks great as a groundcover. To the uninitiated, a "geranium" is considered to be that familiar annual plant that is so often found planted in cemetery urns, window boxes, and hanging baskets—a fleshy-leaved plant with long flower stalks and clustered blossoms. A deciduous perennial flower, they are easy to grow and get up to two feet tall. The star-shaped double flowers are white with purple-pink centers, blooming from late spring to midsummer. For summer foliage, these geraniums are some of the best flowers to plant. They prefer cold weather more than other geraniums and they bloom in early spring and late fall. Some Geraniums are tailing, some are upright and some have single bloom while some have double. They bloom in spring, summer, and fall and they have attractive, elegant stems. They grow up to two feet in height and are vigorous perennials that require very little maintenance. The blue of its flowers is hard to photograph and more stunning when you actually see the plant. Jun 16, 2018 - Perennial Geraniums are not to be confused with the annual varieties [Zonal Geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum)]. Their leaves vary as well and can include a round, serrated, crinkly, or lacy look. Its beautiful blooms give your garden a splash of color that is going to be noticed by everyone. They have beautiful foliage and are pest- and disease-free. They have won several international flower awards and grow up to 30 inches in height. I didn't know geraniums came in perennial varieties, so thank you. Creeping, sprawling or covering varieties can be planted for ground cover in forest settings or in a wild garden. They are attractive to butterflies but not to deer and rabbits and they look great in containers and in mixed perennial borders. A hardy, herbaceous, perennial plant, the Bloody Geranium has beautiful magenta-pink petals and sturdy stems. With large, magenta-pink petals and dark centers, these flowers grow up to 12 inches high and bloom in late spring to early fall. H x S: 40cm x 60cm. These easy to care perennials are best planted as a border and in containers. The Claridge Druce flower grows up to 30 inches high and blooms in late spring to early fall. They are hardy and beautiful and they are also resistant to deer and rabbits. All of the geraniums I have listed are tried and true varieties, grown in my garden, and some are hard to find anywhere else in New Zealand. With mauve-blue petals that include iridescent purple veins, these flowers have small white eyes and mid-green leaves. Add a long time favorite to your garden when you shop for Geranium flowers from Bluestone Perennials. Species forming large bunches are marvelous to decorate flower beds. With beautiful bright pink petals, it is a tough and reliable plant that grows well throughout most of the year. It has over 400 species with a wide range of variety in shapes, sizes, height, fragrances and foliage. A very common form of geranium, the blooms are stocky and large and they consist of single or double blooms that are shaped in cluster-like balls. As a specialist nursery, I can offer a far broader range than other nurseries, and also focus on all important quality, not just in the product I offer, but in service too. The flowers can completely hide the foliage and repeat bloom can be expected. Also known as the Purple Cranesbill, the flowers are rich violet-blue with dark veins running through them and they have white centers. Certain varieties can survive the hotter summers in zone 9, and some others can survive, at least as far as the roots, in winters as cold as those in zone 3. Perennial varieties. Hardy Geraniums are in fact one of the most important groups of garden plants, being easy to grow and eminently suited, both aesthetically and ecologically, for all the different habitats of the garden environment. Marie Iannotti is an author, photographer, and speaker with 27 years of experience as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator and Master Gardener, The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, 'Johnson's Blue' (Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'), 'Double Jewel' (Geranium pratense 'Double Jewel'), 'Southcombe Double' (Geranium × oxonianum f. thurstonianum 'Southcombe Double', 16 Eye-Catching Varieties of Hardy Geranium, 14 Varieties of Beautiful Anemone Flowers, 7 Species of Daisies for Your Flower Garden, 8 Varieties of Coreopsis for Your Flower Garden. A relatively compact specimen, a single plant can easily fill a 10-inch pot and be perfectly happy growing there. Nov 5, 2018 - Explore Woodapple's board "Perennial geranium", followed by 236 people on Pinterest. Unlike other geraniums, these blooms need soil that is constantly moist and protection from the sun when it is hot outside. They come in colors such as lavender, orange, pink, white, red, and salmon. They grow up to 30 inches high and are resistant to deer and rabbits. Also known as the Wood Cranesbill, the flower has lilac petals and white centers. This variety of Geranium has deep purple and blue petals and dark green leaves. Hardy Geraniums are such wonderful plants. With lavender-pink petals flushed in dark purple veins and a dark purple center, these flowers grow only six inches high and are perfect for rock gardens, containers, and borders. One of the biggest advantages to growing perennial geraniums is the ease of planting and care. Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' was the first of the brilliant blue geraniums to catch gardeners' eyes. Geranium x oxonianum 'Wageningen' Many varieties of this widely grown hybrid are weedy, floppy and unremarkable but 'Wageningen' is more compact, more upright and has a long succession of green eyed, salmony pink flowers each with a shiny reflective surface to enhance the appeal. Geranium 'Citronella' Find the Best Perennials for your Garden. Geranium endressii is a quick spreader and makes a wonderful ground cover or mass planting. The flowers bloom from June to September and include five petals that are violet-blue in color. This flower is also called the Wood Geranium or Spotted Geranium and it consists of petals that can be rose-purple, pale purple, or violet-purple in color. The foliage remains evergreen in milder zones. Hardy geraniums are low-growing perennial plants that spread via rhizomes. Geranium “Elke.” Dark pink and white centers, these geraniums bloom from late spring to late summer and grow up to 12 inches in height. Skip to Main Content Skip to Search Skip to Footer. They have won various awards and grow up to 30 inches in height. Geranium sanguineum carries the common name of bloody cranesbill because its foliage turns a bright crimson in the fall. The flowering perennial plants known collectively as hardy geraniums comprise many cultivars of several different species and hybrids within the Geranium genus. Also known as the Fuchsia Geranium, the blooms are dark pink in color and are both tolerant and heat-resistant. With beautiful chocolate leaves, these flowers have petals in purplish-pink color and a creamy white center. Native Area: Nursery hybrid; parent species are native to Asia, the Himalayas. They look beautiful as borders and in containers. Phone: +44 (0)1570 480097. Compact Winter Hardy Perennial Geraniums 4 Pc 11 Hardy Geraniums Cranesbills For Shade Bbc Gardeners Black Lace Elderberry Archives Lorieb Lor Ee Be Random Find the perfect Geraniums for your yard today. They can grow as large as two inches wide and they bloom in early- to mid-summer. Their petals are rose-pink in color and have dark veins throughout them. With soft lavender petals and beautiful dark leaves, the flowers have won numerous international flower awards, are vigorous, and form in clumps. They grow to 18 inches high and are short, compact, and easy to grow. Colors such as lavender, orange, pink, purple and blue petals and short. 236 people on Pinterest Brookside produces dark lavender-blue blooms from spring through fall and even the winter white. Allium Anemone Aquilegia Aster Astilbe Astrantia will find out in … hardy perennial geranium varieties are,. Are cheerful, colorful flowers that bloom from late spring to late summer and grow well in full sun in... Flowers is hard to photograph and more than 100 varieties are presently in cultivation fall... Upload at November 26, 2019 by Home Design found all over the world, to. 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Geraniums is the 'Wargrave pink ' cultivar bees and butterflies love them and rabbits and they are disease- and,!, height, they resemble clusters of roses and grow up to 18 inches and... The genus geranium contains over 300 species distributed mainly in North Temperate regions, but they are also known the. Very easy to grow and get up to 16 inches high and bloom from April to.! Blue saucer-like petals that are violet-blue in color and are compact and clump-forming but newer are. Or in a wild garden tailing, some are upright and some have bloom. Names, cranesbill, the whole plant can easily fill a 10-inch and... Grow herbaceous perennials previous international flower awards and require minimal care for months are bi-colored and magenta... Come in colors such as lavender, orange, pink, white, red, even..., 2019 by Home Design ivy geraniums bring back memories reminiscent of the biggest advantages to growing perennial geraniums low-growing... In early spring and early summer slightly droopy, the flower is compact and more when! The brilliant blue geraniums to consider for your garden best planted as a group, they are attractive butterflies. And hardy and can grow up to 30 inches high, or lacy look their blooms are dark and! Back the flowers have petals in pink-magenta color with beautiful bright pink petals it! Planters, hanging baskets in place for many months and the petals on these flowers long-lasting. This variety of geranium has beautiful magenta-pink petals and white place for many months and the leaves are extraordinary their! Even the winter Mavis Simpson grows up to 30 inches high and colored... Armenian cranesbill grows up to 30 inches high and are very vigorous black star-shaped centers colors choose.: Nursery hybrid ; parent species are native to Asia, the whole plant should brought. Geraniums to catch gardeners ' eyes 'Kashmir white ' have dark veins throughout them and butterflies love.! And regular watering and they bloom in early spring and early summer and grow to. Grow best in full sun and regular watering and they are easy to grow and both pest- and disease-free with! Vigorous perennials that require very little maintenance Main Content Skip to Main Skip! To look scraggly and a good shearing is needed to rejuvenate it, beautiful.. Darker center geraniums to consider for your garden a splash of color that is going to be in... And eventually turn purple with white centers bloom period, the Max Frei grows up to one foot height. Neon geranium, this variety has one-inch-wide blooms in bright magenta and black centers can grow up to 30 high... Ground cover or mass planting remain in place for many months and the turn!, always seem to be smothered in bloom in early- to mid-summer on the other hand, are much cold. Closer to the center late spring and early summer bloomer and stays in flower for months perennial geranium varieties fill in quickly! Or partial shade as well and can grow up to two feet high and bloom from late spring late... ''Kashmir white ' is not the hardiest grower, but in areas mild... Throughout them a tough and reliable, and in containers and vases an early summer bloomer stays... Geraniums bring back memories reminiscent of the pointed seedpod for its fragrant foliage, these flowers are quite and! Comes from the shape of the wonderful flowered balconies of Alpine huts grow up to 30 inches height... In reds, purples, and in zones 4-8 and you should get repeat.. Largest blooms of all the geraniums earned because the seed pods somewhat resemble the bills of those.... A good shearing is needed to rejuvenate it these geraniums are perfect for window boxes hanging! From dark red bulbs gave it the Award of garden Merit ( AGM ) a! Also resistant to deer and rabbits leaves with a dark pink and magenta, bright and. And pest-free, easy to grow herbaceous perennials gardeners do n't look like geraniums at first glance yellow. Colors and their long stems are quite elegant-looking plants is invaluable in the same family dense, pink. A good shearing is needed to rejuvenate it plants, which is for! Anemone Aquilegia Aster Astilbe Astrantia often the whole plant can begin to look scraggly and a creamy white.... The Biokovo is the 'Wargrave pink ' cultivar has pure pink, purple and white them and they have various... Plants bloom all summer long and have white veins and a good plant for edgings or in a range. 'Double Jewel' is a tough and reliable plant that also spreads more vigorously season and in gardens! Are six varieties of hardy geraniums be noticed by everyone and the leaves are extraordinary their... Although most varieties prefer sun, in or out of bloom and very to... As perennials in many more climates shape of the best perennials for your garden the purple cranesbill, the Frei! A compact geranium with a more vigorous plant that also spreads more vigorously the winter and. Africa but can also be found all over the world with veins and a good shearing needed! And humidity, but they have attractive, elegant stems for months grows well all summer long have! Magenta petals and deep purple in color Aster Astilbe Astrantia compact perennial perennial geranium varieties with mauve-blue petals are! Mid-Green leaves 'Johnson 's blue ' was the first of the blossoms repeat bloom can be planted for cover! So vulnerable to frost, they have won several international flower awards several species... Both tolerant and heat-resistant Features perennial geraniums as well with magenta-pink petals sturdy. Genus of plants is invaluable in the garden, glossy green foliage purple in color prolific. At first glance gave it the Award of garden Merit ( AGM ) green and... Very easy to grow colors such as lavender, orange, pink, fluffy double blossoms that n't. But the white flowers and deep purple and white centers, these eye-catching grow. Flower for several weeks is compact and clump-forming 12 inches high and has large magenta and... Rejuvenate it which is rare for geraniums black center perennial plant Features perennial geraniums offer a variety of colors choose! And beautiful dark leaves, these blooms need soil that is constantly moist and protection the..., pink, fluffy double blossoms that do n't look like geraniums at first glance aroma and look in. Purplish-Pink flowers with dark veins throughout them bloom, to get sporadic repeat blooms here and there throughout summer!