Instead, they both have secondary or recommended drinking water standards because they cause aesthetic problems that make the water undesirable to use in the home and a bitter metallic taste that can make the water unpleasant to drink for both humans and farm animals.Iron can also cause an orange or brown stain in sinks and in the laundry. Magnesium in drinking water and ischemic heart disease. Susceptible individuals who are at higher risk of being depleted of magnesium need to be identified, and potential untoward effects of magnesium … The association was even positively, although not significantly, associated with the risk of hypertension in the fully adjusted model. The OR in relation to magnesium levels in drinking water are shown in Table 3. Interest concerning the role of calcium and magnesium in human cardiovascular disease was stimulated by ecologic studies that demonstrated an inverse association between water hardness and cardiovascular death rates.2–5 The hardness of drinking water is determined largely by its content of calcium and magnesium. Also fear of hypertension should not deter anyone from drinking water with low magnesium levels. All eligible hypertension deaths (2336 cases) of Taiwan residents from 1990 through 1994 were compared with deaths from other causes (2336 controls), and the levels of calcium and magnesium in the drinking water of these residents were determined. However, there is no reason to believe that there would be any correlation between these confounders and the levels of magnesium in the water. It makes up 2.5 percent of the Earth’s crust and is commonly found in such minerals as magnesite, I didn't find anything about the threshold value of magnesium in drinking water via the World Health Organization. 1. Hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially stroke. : 10.Ackley S, Barrett-Connor E, Suarez L: 12.Gruchow HW, Sobocinski KA, Barboriak JJ: 15.Witteman JCM, Willett WC, Stampfer MJet al. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for hypertension death by magnesium levels in drinking water, 1990–1994. How to Treat Magnesium and Iron in Drinking Water. DONATIONS/BEQUESTS TO SUPPORT THIS LIBRARY AND FURTHER MAGNESIUM RESEARCH WILL BE GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED. 200,000,000 died from wars. Of all the cardiovascular risk factors, magnesium now takes first place as judged by the accumulation of epidemiological, pathophysiological, clinical and experimental data, both pharmacological and therapeutic. This elimination of unsuitable municipalities left 322 municipalities for analysis. A control group was formed using all other deaths, excluding those deaths that were associated with cardiovascular diseases. Copyright © 2021 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd. Each case and its matched control had residence and place of death in the same municipality. Books about magnesium! : 16.Ma J, Folsom AR, Melnick SLet al. Since publication of the third edition, they comprise a series of free-standing monographs, including this one. Excluded from the analysis were 30 aboriginal townships and 9 islets that had different lifestyles and living environments. In the first and second editions, these constituted Volume 2 of the GDWQ. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Each matched control was selected randomly from the set of possible controls for each case. Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low … How Many Lives Did Adobe Springs Save in 2015. PDF: The High Heart Health Value of Drinking-Water Magnesium. 2 pages. the effects on human health of the substances or contaminants of potential health concern in drinking-water. The waterworks in each municipality received a questionnaire requesting information on whether any changes had occurred in the water supply or the treatment of the water during the past 20 years. Sources of Hardness Minerals in Drinking Water; Water is a good solvent and picks up impurities easily. Such a geographic distribution may suggest an environmental risk factor. This potential is calculated with 2010 global mortality figures combined with a recent quantification of water-magnesium’s inverse association with heart disease and stroke mortality. In studies going back to the 1960s, researchers were able to link soft water areas to an increase in heart disease and higher mortality rates. They are the units that will be subjected to statistical analysis. Nonetheless, in the modern-day world, intake of dietary magnesium is often lower than the recommended dietary amount of 6 mg/kg/day.22 For individuals at the borderline of magnesium deficiency, waterborne magnesium can make an important contribution to their total intake. Iron is an essential element in human nutrition, and the health effects of iron in drinking water may include warding off fatigue and anemia. To go directly to a specific category, click on an item in the list below. We need to better understand the interrelation of various water and food constituents, as well as individual risk factors, in the pathogenesis of IHD. Under normal conditions, magnesium levels are carefully regulated, and short-term dietary deficiencies can... Absorption, Distribution and Excretion. effects of contaminants in drinking water. The reason for not finding a protective effect of calcium on risk of hypertension death may be the fact that calcium and magnesium levels in the drinking water are highly correlated (correlation coefficient, 0.65). A severe deficiency may cause some of the following: numbness or tingling muscle cramps low calcium or potassium levels mood changes an irregular heartbeat seizures Epidemiologic studies have shown that dietary calcium is inversely associated with BP.7–12 Studies conducted in several animal models of hypertension have also been consistent in demonstrating a hypotensive effect of calcium supplementation.13 Magnesium and calcium are the main determinants of water hardness. Hard water is formed when water percolates through deposits of limestone, chalk or gypsum which are largely made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulfates. The increased magnesium group had a 27% to 37% lower risk of death from hypertension. Note from Paul the Mg Librarian: 4.5 million deaths per annum from Mg-deficient drinking water would be 450,000,000 deaths over the next 100 years. Magnesium in water appears as hydrated ions, which are more easily absorbed than magnesium in food.22,35 The contribution of water magnesium among persons who drink water with high magnesium levels could thus be crucial in the prevention of magnesium deficiency. There's a street light at the Free Spigot for night Testing drinking water for iron and manganese The quality of water supplied by public water systems is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.) Patterson, CA 95363. Magnesium links! In more severe cases, older pipes may need to be replaced, or your system may need to be flushed. In addition to age and gender, the following variables were simultaneously included in the final model: calcium levels in quintiles; magnesium levels in quintiles; urbanization level of residence (rural, urban). The adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for the highest versus lowest quintiles of exposure was 0.63 (0.47 to 0.84). Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking-water: Public health significance. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. They also conduct routine water analyses to assess the suitability of water for drinking from both the sources and at various points in the distribution system. Data on all deaths of Taiwan residents from 1989 through 1993 were obtained from the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the Taiw… Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Chun-Yuh Yang, 100 Shih-Chuan 1st RD, Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan. Licensed by the California Department of Health In Taiwan, the mean daily intake of dietary calcium is 507 mg. Interest concerning the role of calcium and magnesium in human cardiovascular disease was stimulated by ecologic studies that demonstrate… The deaths excluded were those caused by hypertensive disease (ICD codes 401–405), ischemic heart disease (ICD codes 410 to 414), diseases of pulmonary circulation (ICD codes 415 to 417), other forms of heart disease (ICD codes 420 to 429), cerebrovascular disease (ICD codes 430 to 438), and diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (ICD codes 440 to 448). The U.S. National Academy of Sciences has estimated that a nation-wide initiative to add calcium and magnesium to soft water might reduce the annual cardiovascular death rate by … Drinking water comes with a variety of mineral contaminants. Box 1417 You may be thinking, aren’t these all minerals that are good for our health? You may also develop nausea, vomiting, mental confusion and other mineral deficiencies. Hard water is water that has high mineral content (in contrast with "soft water"). An overdose of magnesium through dietary sources is unlikely because the body will eliminate any excess magnesium from food through urine. © 1999 by the American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd. Table 2 shows the numbers of cases and controls and ORs in relation to calcium levels in their drinking water. A water filtration system can help remove unwanted iron from your water supply and easily remove metallic tastes and odors. Common symptoms include diarrhea and an upset stomach. Mandibular-related bone metabolism in orchiectomized rats treated with sex hormones. Subjects who died from gastric cancer (ICD code 151) and colorectal cancer (ICD code 153) were also excluded from the control group because of previously reported negative correlation with hardness (calcium or magnesium) levels in drinking water.24–26 Control subjects were pair matched to the cases by gender, year of birth, and year of death. Search for other works by this author on: Department of Pharmacology, Kaohsiung Medical College, Relation between mortality from cardiovascular disease and treated water supplies, On the relationship between water hardness and death rate in cardiovascular disease, Mortality and hardness of local water supplies, Cardiovascular mortality in relation to radioactivity and hardness of local water supplies in the USA, Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk, Blood pressure and nutrient intake in the United States, Clinical and biochemical indicators of cardiovascular disease among men living in hard and soft water areas, Dairy products, calcium and blood pressure, Dietary alcohol, calcium, and potassium: independent and combined effects on blood pressure, Calcium intake and the relationship of dietary sodium and potassium to blood pressure, Dietary calcium and blood pressure in experimental models of hypertension: a review, Magnesium and blood pressure: review of the epidemiologic and clinical trial experience, A prospective study of nutritional factors and hypertension among U.S. women, Associations of serum and dietary magnesium with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, insulin, and carotid arterial wall thickness: the ARIC Study, Relationship of dietary sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium with blood pressure, Relationship of magnesium intake and other dietary factors to blood pressure: the Honolulu Heart Study, Relation of electrolytes to blood pressure in men. Such a geographic distribution may suggest an environmental risk factor. Therefore, the decedent's residence, place of birth, and place of death are likely to be listed as the same municipality, although the place of birth information was not available for this data set. They are the units that will be subjected to statistical analysis. Synthesis and sintering of B, Sr, Mg multi-doped hydroxyapatites: Structural, mechanical and biological characterization. The correlation between 1980 and 1990 hardness levels for the study areas was reasonably high (r = 0.85). The Magnesium Online Library is owned and operated by the Magnesium For Health Foundation, P O Box 1417, Patterson, CA 95363 USA. In addition, iron and manganese bacteria are not known to present a health risk. Taiwan is divided into 361 administrative districts, which will be referred to herein as municipalities. Use the search to find additional articles on your subject. Chun-Yuh Yang, Hui-Fen Chiu, Calcium and magnesium in drinking water and the risk of death from hypertension, American Journal of Hypertension, Volume 12, Issue 9, September 1999, Pages 894–899, Also, magnesium competes with calcium for absorption. Some of the conditions magnesium may be useful in treating or preventing are: Articles are listed under one heading only. Excluded from the analysis were 30 aboriginal townships and 9 islets that had different lifestyles and living environments. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences has estimated that a nation-wide initiative to add calcium and magnesium to soft water might reduce the annual cardiovascular death rate by 150,000 in the United States." The number of visitors to this page beginning September 29, 1995 is: Call for papers--previously published or original, Program Announcement, April 24, 2010, provides information on the health and organoleptic (color, taste, odor, etc.) PDF. There is unfortunately no information available on these variables for individual study subjects and they could not be adjusted for directly in the analysis. For controls, the most frequent causes of death were diabetes mellitus (11.0%), liver cancer (9.0%), lung cancer (8.4%), chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (8.0%), diseases of the respiratory system (7.9%), and diseases of the genitourinary tract (5.0%). It was believed that the hardness (calcium and magnesium) levels in drinking water have remained reasonably stable. The inferences of causality from this ecologic study are potentially subject to “ecological fallacy” (a logical flaw from making a causal inference about an individual phenomenon on the basis of group observation.” Future studies should increase the precision of the estimation of the individual's intake of calcium and magnesium, both via food and water, and control for confounding factors, especially sodium and potassium from dietary intake and alcohol consumption. Nonetheless, in the modern world, intake of dietary magnesium is often lower than the recommended dietary amounts of 6 mg/kg/day.22 For individuals at the borderline of calcium and magnesium deficiency, waterborne calcium and magnesium can make an important contribution to their total daily intake. Hard water is not a health risk, but a nuisance because of mineral buildup on fixtures and poor soap and/or detergent performance. P.O. The results of the present study show that there is a significant protective effect of magnesium intake from drinking water for the risk of hypertension. Ray Tackaberry, Successor Librarian. In the multivariate model, the inverse association was somewhat stronger. Iron oxides or iron carbonates can give a reddish brown colouration to hard water deposits . since 1992. supported the hypothesis that extra magnesium and/or calcium in drinking-water can contribute to reduced cardiovascular disease and other health benefits in populations. Adjusted for age, sex, urbanization level of residence (urban, rural), and magnesium levels in drinking water (≤3.8, 3.9–8.2, 8.3–11.1, 11.2–16.3, ≥16.4). The control group consisted of people who died from other causes and the controls were pair matched to the cases by sex, year of birth, and year of death. In the event of a death in Taiwan, there is a social custom that the decedent's family always considers the person's death to have occurred in the municipality in which he was born. Magnesium, an abundant mineral in the body, is naturally present in many foods, added to other food products, available as a dietary supplement, and present in some medicines (such as antacids and laxatives). There was a significant protective dose–response effect of drinking water magnesium levels on the risk of death from hypertension (χ2 for trend = 29.05, P < .001). (Dr. Rowe has linked the cardiovascular complications of space flight with magnesium deficits). A meta-analysis of published trials, Alcohol and hypertension: new insights from population studies, Characteristics of urbanization levels in Taiwan districts. Water with a high mineral content, or "hard" water, is also a source of magnesium. Also, there is substantial geographic variation in hypertension mortality within the country. The significant association between mortality from hypertension and the levels of magnesium in drinking water is supported by knowledge of the functions of magnesium. Ray Tackaberry, Successor Librarian There are products designed to “fortify” such deionized or distilled water with magnesium … Their details have already been described in earlier publications.23,,,26,28 The final complete data consisted of drinking water quality data from 252 municipalities. Dr. Burton M. Altura and Dr. Bella T. Altura, Nutrient minerals in drinking-water and the potential health consequences of consumption of demineralized and remineralized and altered mineral content drinking-water: Consensus of the meeting. Cases had a higher rate (43.6%) of living in metropolitan municipalities than the controls (37.9%) (Table 1). This report examines whether calcium and magnesium in drinking water are protective against hypertension. : 8.Stitt FW, Crawford M, Clayton DGet al. Mortality data differences between the municipalities in this study do not appear to result from systematic differences in recording and codification. Cases lived in municipalities in which 90.6% of the population was served by a waterworks. 14 pages. Universal drinking water and beverages containing moderate to high levels of magnesium (10–100 ppm) could potentially prevent 4.5 million heart disease and stroke deaths per year, worldwide. The levels of calcium and magnesium of that municipality were used as an indicator of exposure to those substances for an individual residing in that municipality. Environmental problems indirectly caused by magnesium in water are caused by applying softeners. The mean calcium concentration in the drinking water of the cases (n = 2336) was 32.9 mg/L (SD = 20.3). The results of the present study show that there is a significant protective effect of magnesium intake from drinking water on the risk of hypertension. As was described earlier, hardness is partially caused by magnesium. The Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Preeclampsia: Causative Factor or Collateral Damage? Because it is mandatory to register death certificates at local household registration offices and as the household registration information is verified annually through a door-to-door survey, the death registration in Taiwan is very complete. Fax: (408) 897-3028, The Magnesium Web Site was first uploaded on September 29, 1995. The mean magnesium concentration in the drinking water was 10.9 mg/L (SD = 7.6) for the cases, and 11.2 mg/L (SD = 7.5) for the controls. In conclusion, the results of the present study show that there may be a significant protective effect of magnesium intake from drinking water on the risk of hypertension. Data on calcium and magnesium levels in drinking water throughout Taiwan have been obtained from the Taiwan Water Supply Corporation. Migration from a municipality of high calcium and magnesium exposure to one of low calcium and magnesium exposure or vice versa could have introduced misclassification bias and bias in the OR estimate.32,33 The individuals included in the present study were subjects whose residence and place of death were in the same municipality. Despite their inherent limitations31 studies on the ecologic correlation between mortality and environmental exposures have been used widely to generate or discredit epidemiologic hypotheses. This study was partly supported by a grant from the National Science Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (NSC-87-2314-B-037-074). Not only, calcium and magnesium, but other constituents also affect different health aspects. Information on the levels of calcium and magnesium in each municipality's treated drinking water supply was obtained from the Water Quality Research Center of the Taiwan Water Supply Corporation27 to whom each waterworks is required to submit drinking water quality data including the levels of calcium and magnesium. A total of 2336 hypertension cases with complete records were collected for the period 1990 to 1994. School of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical College. Yes, they are! Many of them cover more than one subject. Of the 2336 cases, 1500 were men and 836 were women. These can include calcium, magnesium, manganese, and so on. General Magnesium is the eighth most abundant natural element. "According to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (1977) there have been more than 50 studies, in nine countries, that have indicated an inverse relationship between water hardness and mortality from cardiovascular disease. This is an important finding for the Taiwan water industry and human health. The mechanism for the blood pressure lowering effect of magnesium involves the fact that a lack of magnesium leads to a decrease in the concentration of intracellular potassium and an increase in calcium levels,37 which increases the contractility of blood vessels, as has been shown in animal experiments.38. Four finished water samples, one for each season, were collected from each waterworks. Hardness (calcium and magnesium) remains reasonably constant for long periods of time and is a quite stable characteristic of a municipality's water supply.29 Some information on the levels of water hardness was available for the study areas in 1980. Adverse Effects. Information on magnesium! Water systems using groundwater as a source are concerned with water hardness, since as water moves through soil and rock it dissolves small amounts of naturally-occurring minerals and carries them into the groundwater supply.Water is a great solvent for calcium and magnesium, so if the minerals are present in the soil around a water-supply well, hard water may be delivered to homes. ( Dr. Harold D. Foster , " Groundwater and Human Health," Groundwater Resources of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks and Environment Canada, pp 6.1-6.3 (reprint), 1994. The samples were then analyzed by the waterworks laboratory office using standard methods. Start low, e.g., no more than 4 ounces, then build up to 8 ounces 2-3 times per day to obtain the full benefit. Sodium39,40 and potassium41 intake from diet and alcohol consumption42 represent possibly important confounders in the present study. Guidelines for magnesium content in drinking water are unlikely, because negative human and animal health effects are not expected. This figure would contribute, on average, 13.7% to an individual's total dietary calcium intake, given a daily consumption of 2 L of water. The Yi People study, Magnesium in drinking water and death from acute myocardial infarction, Recommended dietary amounts of magnesium: Mg RDA, Calcium and magnesium in drinking water and risk of death from cerebrovascular disease, Calcium and magnesium in drinking water and risk of death from colon cancer, Calcium, magnesium, and nitrate in drinking water and gastric cancer mortality, Calcium and magnesium in drinking water and risk of death from rectal cancer, The Statistical Data of Water Quality, Taiwan. HTML, Full text: Rolling Revision of the WHO guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. Many water softening techniques remove minerals like magnesium and calcium from municipal water supplies but, eliminating them can have detrimental effects on people’s health too. It is expressed as the equivalent amount of calcium carbonate that could be formed from the calcium and magnesium in solution. For each death, detailed demographic information, including gender, year of birth, year of death, cause of death, place of death (municipality), and residential district (municipality) were recorded on computer tapes. Transglutaminase 2 as a novel target in chronic kidney disease - Methods, mechanisms and pharmacological inhibition. In Taiwan, the mean daily intake of dietary calcium is 507 mg. This may create collinearity in the regression model making it difficult to detect the effect of calcium. Is the RDA for Magnesium Too Low? There is no evidence of adverse health effects specifically attributable to magnesium in drinking water. Controls (n = 2336) had a mean calcium exposure of 34.8 mg/L (SD = 19.5). In addition, the acidity of the water influences the reabsorption of calcium and magnesium in the renal tubule. Mg Water sells bulk Magnesium-rich water under the name Adobe Springs Water Co. Adobe Springs Water Co. has 70,000,000 gallons per year of magnesium Location: Central California, at 19,000 Del Puerto Canyon Road, Data on all deaths of Taiwan residents from 1990 through 1994 was obtained from the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the Taiwan Provincial Department of Health, which is in charge of the death registration system in Taiwan. Iron and manganese are not health concerns in drinking water. In the analysis, the subjects were divided into quintiles according to the levels of calcium and magnesium in their drinking water. This is an important finding for the Taiwan water industry and human health risk assessment. NSF International and the International Life Sciences Institute assembled a diverse group of nutrition, medical, epidemiological and scientific experts in Baltimore, MD on April 24-26 for an International Symposium on Health Aspects of Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking Water. Therefore, we assumed that calcium and magnesium levels in 1990 were a reasonable indicator of historic calcium and magnesium exposure levels from drinking water. Health Considerations Essentiality. Canyon Road, Patterson, CA 95363. Diet has been implicated as one of many factors that can influence blood pressure (BP).6 Dietary calcium is the main source of calcium intake. Also, there is substantial geographic variation in hypertension mortality within the country. Data collected included the mean levels of calcium and magnesium for the year 1990. Spigot located at Adobe Springs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 19,000 Del Puerto A recently proposed hypothesis suggests that an impairment of the cell membrane sodium transport system is responsible for the increased total peripheral resistance found in essential hypertension.36 Magnesium is an enzyme (Na/K-ATPase) activator and regulates cellular energy metabolism, vascular tone, and cell membrane ion transport. Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Disease, etc. Am J Hypertens 1999; 12:894–899 © 1999 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd. The ORs for the highest versus the lowest quintile of magnesium intake from drinking water was 0.80 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.95). ORs and their 95% CIs were calculated using the group with the lowest exposure as the reference group.30 Values of P < .05 were considered statistically significant. Our recent study found that there is a significant protective effect of magnesium but not calcium intake from drinking water against cerebrovascular disease.23 The objective of this study was to study the relationship between the levels of calcium and magnesium in drinking water and risk of death from hypertension in Taiwan. Magnesium Fights Depression. Consensus of the meeting: Nutrient minerals in drinking-water and the potential health consequences of consumption of demineralized and remineralized and altered mineral content drinking-water. This is a fact sheet intended for health professionals. Published in 2009. Free water A guideline for magnesium has therefore not been specified. If your diet typically includes rich sources of calcium and magnesium, then there are likely no risks in drinking water with lower concentrations of these minerals. : 21.Rubenowitz E, Axelsson G, Rylander R: 35.Theophanides T, Angiboust JF, Polissiou M: 40.Cutler JA, Follmann D, Elliott Pet al. There is also some evidence that calcium and magnesium in drinking water may help protect against gastric, colon, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer, and that magnesium may help protect against esophageal and ovarian cancer. Tel: (408) 897-3023 Heart Disease. Epidemiol Rev. The main variables responsible for the sharp difference between the age- and gender-adjusted and full multivariate model were magnesium levels in drinking water and urbanization level of residence. Patterson, CA 95363. Pages 440 through 447 of the Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977. The urbanization level of each municipality was based on the urban–rural classification scheme of Tzeng and Wu.43. One-half cup, or 4 ounces, of Magnesium Water yields 90 mg of magnesium; one-cup, 8 ounces, yields 180 mg magnesium. Tastes great! Magnesium intake from drinking water was significantly inversely associated with hypertension death risk in a model controlling for age and gender. rich mineral water available for bottling, containing 110 mg of magnesium may not be sold. Several studies have reported that calcium and magnesium in drinking water have a dose-dependent protective effect when it comes to cardiovascular disease. Of 2336 magnesium in drinking water health effects cases with complete records were collected from each waterworks Taiwan 's drinking is! 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