For ten bucks more, she was to cover Ridgway's four hundred citizens in the county's only other town, if you didn't count minuscule Colona, which most people didn't. ; In non-defining clauses, use which. The third and concluding volume, which was to treat in a more condensed form the principal problems of practical philosophy, of philosophy of art and religion, never appeared. "Which is located near my apartment building," Deidre said, needing the brandy again already. Andre didn't deny she was lying to him, which left Gabriel even less certain what to do about his mate. The same evening that the prince gave his instructions to Alpatych, Dessalles, having asked to see Princess Mary, told her that, as the prince was not very well and was taking no steps to secure his safety, though from Prince Andrew's letter it was evident that to remain at Bald Hills might be dangerous, he respectfully advised her to send a letter by Alpatych to the Provincial Governor at Smolensk, asking him to let her know the state of affairs and the extent of the danger to which Bald Hills was exposed. If you overuse the technique, it loses its dramatic effect. She was in some kind of danger, which meant he was the worst guardian angel in the history of guardian angels. He wants the water from the Springs, which he claims is magic. "None of which Bird Song has," Cynthia stressed as she reached in her pocket and withdrew a quarter. Death is unpredictable, but if I were to guess, she's somewhere in the underworld. There are some other uses of the word ‘which’. The mechanical laws, to which external things were subject, were conceived as being valid only in the inorganic world; in the organic and mental worlds these mechanical laws were conceived as being disturbed or overridden by other powers, such as the influence of final causes, the existence of types, the work of vital and mental forces. She was barely ten years older than Brandon, which her parents pointed out every time she had a bad day managing the two teens. Which would kill her, the Indians or the country? The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin. One hundred fifty-six Maid Marian Lane was a neatly kept ranch to which a one-car garage had been added. Put "i.e." Lana followed them into the medical facility after a quick look around, not recognizing the flat landscape and distant red rocks surrounding the canyon in which they'd landed. To his delight they were now plainly visible, which proved that they had passed beyond the influence of the magical Valley of Voe. They rode through the herd, which paid little attention to their passage. They spent the evening in their private quarters mulling over the possibilities and skirting the question that Lydia had actually killed her boss, which in spite of mounting concern, Dean continued to find unlikely. At least, no normal Immortal or demon could enter. Which sentence examples. 🔊 We don’t know whose keys these are, so we can’t return them. I think I could cut it away. 'Course we don't know which of the names he used in the first place to register the motor home when he bought it. Right now it was enough to hear his deep voice, regardless of which language he spoke. Katie hesitated then continued onto the path Gabriel had told her to follow. The Wizard carried his satchel, which was quite heavy, and Zeb carried the two lanterns and the oil can. We can take the clause out without losing any essential information: My car, which is blue, goes very fast. She glued her attention on the doe, which was now licking life into her infant. But, further, every attempt to think clearly what those relations are, what we really mean, if we talk of a fixed order of events, forces upon us the necessity of thinking also that the different things which stand in relations or the different phases which follow each other cannot be merely externally strung together or moved about by some indefinable external power, in the form of some predestination or inexorable fate. An alternative version of the first sentence is: There is no objective standard to measure it by. The emotion she'd admitted to yesterday – which Andre had told him as well – shimmered in her large blue eyes. A band tooted practice blasts, someone was yelling directions through an old fashioned megaphone, which were ignored, and Suzanne, whose nightly music show serenaded the tourists, warmed up the Star Spangled Banner in a voice that needed no mike. : Seven teams have competed in every finals tournament, five of which have won the title. He circled the small, blonde woman and stopped behind her, gaze on Gabriel's name, which was written across her back, along with the Immortal mating script. verb + complement – elements required to complete the meaning of the clause. He turned to face the stairwell, at the top of which Cat sat, also waiting. An example will help! In the darkness, he wasn't reminded of an ache he'd killed long ago, that which reminded him he once knew what it was to feel the warmth of the sun on his human skin. The workers rebuilt the bridge connecting the city to its suburb. He knew it, which meant he was counting on her caving at some point. Just above them, and almost on a level with their platform, were banks of rolling clouds which constantly shifted position and changed color. What remains to be done is, not to explain how such a world manages to be what it is, nor how we came to form these notions, but merely this - to expel from the circle and totality of our conceptions those abstract notions which are inconsistent and jarring, or to remodel and define them so that they may constitute a consistent and harmonious view. Her eyes stayed on the creature, which joined several more tattooed beings in the hall before they all struck out in different directions. 436. He sensed Kris.s agitation was increased by the ensnaring scent of Katie.s blood, which was heavy in the air. Napoleon advanced farther and we retired, thus arriving at the very result which caused his destruction. When Michael Ivanovich returned to the study with the letter, the old prince, with spectacles on and a shade over his eyes, was sitting at his open bureau with screened candles, holding a paper in his outstretched hand, and in a somewhat dramatic attitude was reading his manuscript-- his "Remarks" as he termed it--which was to be transmitted to the Emperor after his death. Toby yelped as he fell. Past-Deidre walked out and left me to clean up the mess, which I did poorly. "I think that before discussing these questions," Pierre continued, "we should ask the Emperor--most respectfully ask His Majesty--to let us know the number of our troops and the position in which our army and our forces now are, and then...". Beyond the iron wall sliding away was a small portcullis, which stood between him and a small stone chamber with ensconced torches. As you can see, “which” clauses are quite versatile. The crowd drew up to the large table, at which sat gray-haired or bald seventy-year-old magnates, uniformed and besashed almost all of whom Pierre had seen in their own homes with their buffoons, or playing boston at the clubs. She has the power of ancient healers to return to life that which otherwise wouldn't live. In rural areas, first responders were often neighbors, which was the fortunate case with them. The courtyard bordered a small grassy park off which several trails ran from the grassy area into the still dark woods. Depending on its type, a sentence consists of a main clause and … : The Pavilion also contains the dressing rooms where players change, each of which has a small balcony for players to watch the play. That was his 'final answer' look which dictated there should be no more discussion. It was his immortal powers, which Death had yanked from him when she ordered Gabriel to take him to Hell. “Which” clauses that stand around all by themselves appear in novels and magazines all the time. asked Cynthia softly as they stepped inside the door. But there is any quantity of oatmeal, which we often cook for breakfast. Of course, she had the thirty-some thousand in her savings account - most of which had been allotted her when she turned twenty-one. You could also put the “which” clause right after “bridge”: The workers rebuilt the bridge, which had been destroyed during the war, connecting the city to its suburb. Which made three times you were broaching the subject of matrimony and I thwarted your attempts. Andre confirmed that her tumor was gone, which meant they had a chance at a healthy relationship. "Which one has the most spirit," Rob said with a wink. "Which cats are yours?" He took in the various scenes, to include the local news, which blasted photos of the black skies and mounting waves of the tropical-storm-turned-hurricane. Connie returned with a cool damp rag which she placed on Lisa's face and then the back of her neck. Take this sentence: “The workers rebuilt the bridge connecting the city to its suburb, which had been destroyed during the war.” That's a less-than-ideal sentence because your clause could possibly modify three things: the bridge, the city, or its suburb. In a type 3 conditional sentence, the tense in the if clause is the past perfect and the tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional (would have + infinitive). And yet, each time he caught her, she was embarrassed – which amused him greatly. The confidence with which he spoke floored her. We'll figure out which route she took and track her. Her eyes fell to the entryway in front of the elegant building in which she stayed, then to the street further down, where several forms moved from beneath a canopy, trailed by a shadow darker than night. Be aware, though, that “which” clauses used in this manner are like hot sauce: you should use them sparingly. First, in the magnitude of what it claims, and second, in the degree to which it differs from what pessimists predict. The abbreviation “i.e.” should always appear after the first section of the sentence, in the middle, so it is grammatically correct. Lana typed a message to Mr. Tim, telling him she was leaving and heading to the Peace Command Center, which was the first center beyond the Mississippi River. Norfolk wants to clean this up and they're looking for direction on which way to lean. Let’s consider the mountain sentence we already talked about: “I had to trudge up the mountain, which tired me out.” Instead of highlighting your aching limbs by writing “Which tired me out,” you could end the sentence with “mountain” and start a new sentence like this: “Those ten hours of exertion tired me out.”. The Oracle probably knew how this day would end, which world would survive. Wynn met the deity's gaze, which flickered between all the colors in the universe. Connie returned with a cool damp rag which she placed on Lisa's face and then the back of her neck. "Which of the immortals sent you?" I had to trudge up the mountain, which tired me out. The entire trip took just over an hour with the driver, a volunteer from Amarillo, Texas who never stopping his constant drawl of friendly conversation, little of which Dean heard. They used mind manipulation to control you, which wasn't possible with Xander there to protect you. with example sentences. The shutters were all closed, except at one window which was open. The scene was total chaos, with goats dashing every which way around the field, trying to avoid the squawking chickens and the fox. I didn't wave today, which means you saw him at the strip mall. Her draw was not as consuming as Katie.s, which meant she.d have a much better chance of surviving if not every demon and Immortal was drawn to her. There are no limitations to the answer. Bonnie Mills has been a copyeditor since 1996. in the middle of a sentence, never at the beginning or end. With your long list of enemies, I'm not certain which would've sent them. All of which was irrelevant. She couldn't control it, which terrified her. Katie Young looked at the speedometer, which read thirty-seven when the blue lights flared up behind her, jarring her out of the pre-coffee morning stupor. Molly offered her a food and water cube, both of which lessened the pain throbbing through her. (Informal) You can change it to While you're here please check out our other great shows like The Housecall Doctor, with Dr. The bedchamber was done up in pastels, soft rose drapes, light blue and green rugs, yellow pillows and highlights, which seemed to take the chill out of the stone walls. "I'm just happy you're alive," he said, touching her face in an unexpected display of tenderness Lana studied his chiseled features, which didn't seem capable of much emotion at all. “Which” clauses that appear at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph are likewise incomplete sentences, and you are allowed to use them occasionally. She sat behind a desk and began asking me questions which I interrupted. Counterfactual verbal irony, in which the literal meaning of an utterance is directly opposite its intended meaning, is a figurative language form. All of which you should know if you've actually been around here long... everyone else seems to. Julie has greater needs which Molly nurtures while Molly's needs are supported by my wife. The old man was still sitting in the ornamental garden, like a fly impassive on the face of a loved one who is dead, tapping the last on which he was making the bast shoe, and two little girls, running out from the hot house carrying in their skirts plums they had plucked from the trees there, came upon Prince Andrew. I'll believe it when they fish his body out of the drink, which they won't, 'cause it ain't there. It was hunched over a book large enough to cover half the black stone desk at which it sat. The real and the fake paintings look so much alike that it’s even hard for collectors to know which was which. They were undoubtedly getting a daily report from Keaton - which was more than she could do. There was no defined point at which everything went wrong – or right, depending on the viewpoint. The two times in his life he recalled people seeing his eyes – which glowed like the red gem at his mother's throat – were not pleasant. The lackey picked her up and carted her to the garage, which served as a makeshift barracks filled with cots and sleeping men. Big mistake.” Here, “big mistake” is a sentence fragment, but it's OK because it allows … It was beyond his imagination that she would grant him that which he wanted! Nothing can get you here, which is why I'm not allowed to leave. He promised to return in an hour and ferry the group back to Bird Song, which was less than a mile away. Not the least of which was Katie's comment about someone else wanting Alex. The two books mentioned remained unnoticed by the reading public, and Lotze first became known to a larger circle through a series of works which aimed at establishing in the study of the physical and mental phenomena of the human organism in its normal and diseased states the same general principles which had been adopted in the investigation of inorganic phenomena. I'm not sure which of my sins she considers worst - being a Medena offspring or refusing my heritage. But on the road, the highroad along which the troops marched, there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed through the forest; the dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust churned up more than six inches deep. Another branch caught him and lifted him upwards again. After a few minutes rest, they continued, first hearing, then seeing the waterfall and the reservoir from which the penstock first drew the water for its mile-long trip to town. With all that going on, and your loyalty to a dying friend, you were so overwhelmed that you didn't know which way to turn. In the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons, and several other unknown but delicious fruits, of which they ate heartily. While not large, the Immortal underworld was separated by several different domains, two of which – Hell and Death's domain - were contained within shields no one could enter. We only know that yesterday came a Rain of Stones upon us, which did much damage and injured some of our people. The house where evil is born makes for a striking sight. "Which would explain this," Darian said and pushed up her sleeve to show the black cuff. (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) Most queries were answered in monosyllables except the last, which Dean put off by explaining they'd discuss the bones at length in the morning. Try taking it out of the sentence. she grumbled. You ask whether the infinitive must be introduced by the preposition phrase by which. She had four thousand dollars in her checking account, all of which she had saved. She dropped a note into the absent secretary.s inbox then went to the first basement level, which housed supplies, clothing, and other essentials in the form of small department stores whose wares were free to all Immortals. She twisted to face the direction from which it had come, expecting to see Gabriel. The road paralleled the river to their right and far below, which was most often hidden by the pine trees that blanketed the slope. How could Edith be sure which rope he'd use? We have already mentioned the final conception in which Lotze's speculation culminates, that of a personal Deity, Himself the essence of all that merits existence for its own sake, who in the creation and government of a world has voluntarily chosen certain laws and forms through which His ends are to be realized. She wasn't sure which idea bothered her worst. In summary, you are allowed to use standalone “which” clauses for dramatic effect. Most people haven't even tried because we cannot reasonably imagine a way by which we can be rid of them. Ocean surrounded the small island, upon which a fortress sat, several hundred meters away, up a sloping hill on top of solid rock. Jonathan had reached puberty in full rebellion, which was one of the reasons she didn't think he should have a cell phone. The single voice was joined by several, and Katie grabbed Deidre's hand. The main point, however, was that they flew, and flew swiftly, if a bit unevenly, toward the rock for which they had headed. Then he looked up to find the nest from which they had fallen. Lana glanced at her micro, which still worked on breaking through his messages. : On the other the chaos of China, four or five provinces of … Felipa arrived on Friday, which was a relief for Carmen because she was beginning to realize three weeks was a long time to entertain guests. We have no idea which direction they headed. complement – a word, phrase or clause which is necessary in a sentence to complete its meaning. Katie turned to face the direction from which the sound came. Now, there are two different types of clausesthat we need for this lesson. You try but you can't protect me, Rhyn, which you've proven a dozen times over. “The essay that covers grammar is very boring” contains a restrictive clause (“that covers grammar”) that is important in making the sentence understood. He named it Sentinel, which was probably a good indication of his expectations. The only skin not covered was his face and part of his neck, both of which were channeled and knotted by scars. Driving was out of the question as the mid-morning parade, scheduled to begin in a few minutes, was forming on Main Street, which was now closed to traffic. She was unable to identify which clan it was that captured her. And in it were some odd little pictures, which he never grew tired of looking at. Subscribe free at iTunes or check him out at Examples of Whose in a sentence. She wasn't sure which baffled her more: that he happened to have an apartment in Atlanta or he wasn't trying to talk her out of leaving. We're trying to figure out which path she took. Today guest-writer Bonnie Trenga will help us talk about “which” clauses and whether it’s OK to start a sentence with one—or a new paragraph. Katie slowed and watched Gabriel continue onward. By their goofy math, which figured from the first day of her last period, she was 9 weeks pregnant. They listened to the French sentences which to them were meaningless, with an air of understanding but not wishing to appear to do so. He sensed secrets in people, and this woman had a ton of them, which was at odds with her clear gaze and the shimmer of innocence around her. Yes, there is a Santa Claus, but that’s not the one we’ll be discussing today. He didn't have the pointed teeth of a demon, which she hoped was indication enough she wasn't about to make a deal with the devil. The living room and kitchen, which faced to the south, provided an exquisite view of the surrounding countryside. What happened when you noticed it? In desperation, I turned on the tape recorder which had run to its end. It is a bluish-black powder which at high temperatures decomposes into the metal, dioxide and oxygen. When he returned to the main room, Harrigan had left to talk to a class of grade-school children, a job at which he excelled, much to the pleasure of the others who shunned playing Officer Friendly. Sam asked which horse Carmen wanted and then began saddling it. Of the two, Hannah was weaker, but Kiki was his brother. She'd liked Andre above any of the Council members, but his insistence that she go in the direction opposite of which she was headed puzzled her. "He's bat-shit crazy, which is where I'll be soon if we don't find a way out of here," Katie replied. No. His clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays. Communicating love in a way neither had ever experienced, they converged in an esoteric dance in which the world fell away. He'd been ignoring the extent of the power available from the souls for fear of violating the Code, which he now understood was not binding in the face of a threat like Darkyn. Understanding the difference between using "which" and "that" can be a challenge. Sentence definition is - a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins with a capital letter and concludes with appropriate end punctuation, and that in speaking is distinguished by characteristic patterns of … She wore an oversized shirt and boxer shorts, neither of which was hers. He was answered by a voice which informed him of the resolution just arrived at. This I am sure will occur if he is to guess my condition, which grows more noticeable as my time draws closer. Introduction to Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases . You’ve probably come across a lonely “which” clause. So he painted a beautiful picture which seemed to be covered with a curtain. Whoever did that to your arm did it as a reminder, which makes me think they're in a hurry to get whatever it is. Which means I can forgive any trespass she may have committed. Brady looked from the injured man to the streaks of red in the sky, which were answered by two more streaks to the north. The nurse smiled again and studied the micro in her hand, which monitored his vitals. For example, the sentence, “I.e. Pierre, however, felt excited, and the general desire to show that they were ready to go to all lengths--which found expression in the tones and looks more than in the substance of the speeches--infected him too. The one I’m talking about is the grammatical clause. Language has crystallized them into certain definite notions and expressions, without which we cannot proceed a single step, but which we have accepted without knowing their exact meaning, much less their origin. Starting a Sentence with "Which" or "Who" Do not start a sentence with words like "which" and "who" (unless it is a question). There was no real way to know which route she might've taken. "Then choose which one you want to keep," the Other answered. We would not know the type of products being discussed without the that clause. Sentences that are missing something, such as a subject or a predicate, are called incomplete sentences or sentence fragments. It also crossed her mind that pilfering through his things to get information about something for which he had sworn to be silent would be a great invasion of his privacy. "We're looking for someone," Elise said and handed him her micro, which displayed Lana's picture. He located the room, which was dark when he entered, but he didn't turn on the light. Of course, a little make-up and the right clothes could do wonders - which was a good way to wind up straying off the path she had mapped before she left home. However, the sentence using which simply informs the reader that my car is blue. The laws which govern particles of matter in the inorganic world govern them likewise if they are joined into an organism. Which would be worse, an uneasy stomach or split lips? The branch obliged him and passed him upwards to another, which stretched him as far up as it could reach. "Oh, there is no need of that," said the voice, which from its gentle tones seemed to belong to a young girl. So which is correct in this example, to use 'where' or 'in which'. Ending a sentence with a preposition has become more accepted in some formal writing situations, but you will need to refer to your analysis of your audience’s expectations. Toby chattered, his tone lifting in a question that didn't penetrate the in-between world in which she'd fallen. Here, the “which” clause--”which had finally arrived”--describes the noun “train.” If you wanted to highlight to your readers that the train was very late and you were annoyed, you could use a “which” fragment: I stepped onto the train. Bianca pushed herself away, uncertain which terrified her more: Darian's meltdown or the fact he'd stopped the world in its place. To comprehend the real position we are forced to the conviction that the world of facts is the field in which, and that laws are the means by which, those higher standards of moral and aesthetical value are being realized; and such a union can again only become intelligible through the idea of a personal Deity, who in the creation and preservation of a world has voluntarily chosen certain forms and laws, through the natural operation of which the ends of His work are gained. Incense drifted as she reached in her hand, which Katie knew was.... Eye twinkled and the oil can a quarter which made her load even more precarious a crowd. '' Darkyn said no real way to know which way to the pitch which indicates that patience is.. Of warrants and probable cause escaped his wife 's rationale, replaced by her conscience which. Afraid to talk to him the tasks which philosophy had to trudge up the extension which I have,! Earth beneath him trembled, which left Gabriel even less certain what do! 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