Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) - Uses & Health Benefits (Ref: Bhavaprakasa Nighantu) Plant Description. The name henbane dates at least to AD 1265. This homeopathic method was discovered many years ago and has a long history of medicinal use for the effective remedy of mental and physical symptoms. My so 15y5m has taken two dozes (5 globules each) of Hyoscyamus 30C on 17 Nov 09 and 15 Dec 09. All species are highly poisonous. Historical use. Antiparkinsonian effects of aqueous methanolic extract of Hyoscyamus niger seeds result from its monoamine oxidase inhibitory and hydroxyl radical scavenging potency. It is native to temperate Europe and Siberia, and naturalised in the British Isles. Henbane is either annual or biennial plant that belongs to nightshade family that is called Solanaceae. The leaf is used to make medicine. Hyoscyamus Niger is a plant. Hyoscyamus Niger. Similar in its effects to Alcohol, both recent and remote. [Internet]. Dry cough in phthisis. Both times first 10 days his condition is much worse. Hyoscyamus niger, commonly known as henbane, black henbane or stinking nightshade, is a plant that is poisonous in large quantities, in the family Solanaceae. HYOSCYAMUS The genus Hyoscyamus comprises some 20 species of annual to perennial herbs with simple leaves and spike-like racemes of bell- or urn-shaped flowers. Corresponds to the effects of strong poisons introduced into or generated within the body. He is Autistic with attention deficiency, ticks, twitches, involuntary movements, restlessness, sleeplessness etc. Hyoscyamus (30C) is the homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant more commonly known as henbane. Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger L.), also referred to as common henbane, hogbean, hogbane, or insane root, is a member of the Solanaceae or nightshade family.Black henbane is an annual or biennial plant that can range in height from 1 to 3 feet tall. A decoction of Hyoscyamus niger seeds, butter and red dates is taken orally to treat coughing up blood (hemoptysis). Uses, Health Benefits of Hyoscyamus niger & Medical Formulas: 3.1 Coughing. 3. Rosette leaves are alternate and have petioles almost as long as the leaf blades. Hyoscyamus niger (L) Synonyms and Common names: Hyoscyami folium, black henbane, devil's eye, foetid nightshade, henbell (Anglo-Saxon), hog bean, Jupiter's bean, poison tobacco, stinking nightshade, symphonica, cassilato, cassilago.. German = Schwarzes bilsenkraut, French = Jusquiame noire, Spanish = Beteno, Italian = Jusquiame nero, Chinese = lang-tang The seeds of Hyoscyamus niger is considered to have bitter, cold and nontoxic properties and to be associated with the heart, stomach and liver meridians. Hydrobrom. - scopolamine hydrobromide ( Paralysis agitans; Tremors of disseminated sclerosis. Plant grow up to the height of 25-100cm long. Sengupta, T., Vinayagam, J., Nagashayana, N. et al. Hairy leaves of this plant are oval or elliptical in shape and dark green in colour. All … "Hyoscyamus niger is susceptible to considerable diversity of character, causing varieties which have by some been considered as distinct species. Neurochem Res. ... Benefits. If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Hyoscyamus Niger medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery.One should not drive a vehicle if using the medicine makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. The homeopathic remedy iris is effective in treating vital symptoms, such as migraines and headaches that are accompanied by digestive problems, including acute diarrhea, nausea and/ or cholera. 2011. Sleeplessness and nervous agitation.